Thank you Fran and Ironic:
By the way, I am a female and lest one think I am a frail 70 yr old
I was a gold miner working in the mountains until age 60. Last summer I was so active I wore everyone out 'doing things.' My family is notoriously healthy despite the diabetes.
I guess that's why when I began running into walls and could not take a short walk without my husband holding my hand so I wouldn't drift off...and when I couldn't think straight enough to talk to people...I knew the problem was not was the recent raising of the Lipitor to 40 mg.
Yes, Fran, I do follow the 'no white stuff' diabetic and cholesterol diets and until this last week was walking at least a mile a day 7 days a week. My diet is very healthful.
I did quit cold turkey on Friday, but will take your advice. I will taper off in the next 3 weeks. Thank you so much for your thoughtful advice.
Ironic, your name is so apt is SO ironic that my forebears ate eggs by the ton, cooked in bacon grease, ate meat at every one knew the WORD cholesterol..and of course never had a fact if my Grandparents took aspirin I would be surprised. We were always a 'natural remedy' family.
I was too in the gold mining days as we didn't have access to doctors.
I so appreciate you telling me about your count and your Mother's. You reinforce my belief the cholesterol 'problems' are invented to sell drugs.
More research yesterday taught me that cholesterol is vital for the synapses and neurons in our brains and that Lipitor cleans it out where it is needed. That might explain my 'brain fog'. I feel about 80% better now without Lipitor than I did a few days ago.
I am taking CoEnzyme 10 and Omega Fish Oil.
I talked to my 75 year old sister today and she said that 10 mg of Lipitor gave her terrible pains all over, so she cut back to 5 mg on her own. Her Dr will not be happy but my sister is tired of being in pain.
Thanks again for the support.