Lucyfur(cute name
"but I really CANNOT do research on supplements--all I can find are true believers. "
Without sounding rude maybe you should DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH...start by reading everything on this forum and this web-site.
There are supplements that have HEALING POWER not TREATING POWER like many drugs do...Statin drugs do not lower your cholestrol all they do is reduce the inflammation in your blood vessels.
You are playing devils or in this case lucyfur's advocate.... if you CANNOT do research on supplemnets than be happy and keep taking the dangerous drugs....It starts with your own research.....
The FDA, pharmacons and food industry have our medical community blinded to HEALING and prefer our Doctors to TREAT the symptoms....
True healing is up to you, this web-site has provided me valuable insight and so have other web-sites, but I had to reasearch myself, not just take someones word for it...
For Example:
I was on 3 different meds that cause abnormal liver readings and also cause liver enzymes to sky rocket...a DOC told me I had possible Liver cancer....
By doing my own reasearch and then taking a more holistic and natural appraoch I discovered the supplement Chlorella and 16 oz of fresh juiced carrots taken daily would clenase my liver....
I bulked up on the Chlorella and the carrot juice I had my blood re-tested and my enzymes are now under control and I do not have liver cancer or any form cirrhosis or drug induced hepatitis...
See I did my own research, backed it up with advice from a holistic practisioner and HEALED my condition not simply treated it....
For the record Japanese Doctors have found that Chlorella does in fact cleanse the bloodstream and bowels, which reduces Chloestrol levels...NATURALLY....
Here is another tid bit just for you...
Laboratory experiments have shown that regular use of chlorella reduces high blood pressure and prevents strokes in rats....
start googling and take control of your own have to fight very hard for great health care and Doctors cannot hide behind things anymore....
I am not trying to come across harsh to you, but your initial post seems to be attacking claims made here....
Until you perform your own research and truly discover the lies the FDA, pharamacons, food industry are will never know the power of HEALING Vs. TREATING....
I do understand your views...I allowed an MD to scare me big time...NO MORE!!!.....There are essential oils, minerals and supplements despite your claims that HEAL your body....WHY?
Your body needs them and produces them...the drugs simply override your body, hinder the prodcution of certain things like CQ10 enezyme(which BTW has been proven by numerous MD's, including our very own spacedoc, and FWIW is recognized by the pharmacons themselves, who NOW are telling DR's to tell patients to take CQ10 if they put a patient on any statin therapy) Or worse certain drugs stop your body from producing what it needs to begin with....
Get busy living and healing or get busy staying afraid and dying!!!
But do not come on this board and state you simply CANNOT do your own research....simply put lucyfur....either take control of your life or stop bashing what you refuse to research or find out on your own!