by shawk » Sat Sep 09, 2006 3:18 pm
Good News Patty!!
Be sure to add copius amounts of Broccoli (raw or short steamed) to the diet. Broccoli has the most protien of any vegetable. The protein is lost if you boil or over steam it.
I add raw Broccoli to my side salads...Sprouts are another good source of protien...
Another often overlooked protein source is turkey...make sure it is organic, they have turkey everything now,ground, turkey franks, turkey italian sauage, turkey brats, bacon etc,(check you labels to insure the turkey sausage, bacon contains very small amounts of pork. Turkey also has much less sat fat than beef.
They have eggs out now that are very good side sources of protein...I recommend egglands best eggs...These eggs are also high in vitamin E
Do not forget about seeds and nuts....raw seasme, sun flower and pumpkin seeds are dense in protein and a few handfuls are a great snack w/filtered water....
Nut butter can be made with non-salted and roasted nuts like raw almonds and cashews and are simply wonderful and packed with protien...
We like to use fresh cashew or almond nut butter, fresh organic berries and homemade wheat bread for healthy PBJ's...
Also make your own hummus...this is great for dipping veggies into or use in place of mayo...It is alos packed with protien...make sure you use EVO or seasme oil....My wife fire roasts red bell peppers and then puree's that and mixes it in the hummus...
As far as meats, insure it is organic, the antibiotics, hormones, etc they put in Chix and beef is very bad...We stay away from pork(still have it every now and again)....make sure Chicken is cage free and free range, grain feed only...Fish should only be certain kinds of salmon, talipa(higher protein in an 8oz serving than fish, beef, etc...1 8oz serving of tilapai has more than 50 grams of protien, mackeral, skip jack, fresh sardines(huge protein amounts) try to stay away from canned fish.
If I think fo any more things I will post them....
A veggie and protein diet is a good one....make sure you eat plenty of veggies for the fiber