Ok - off the statins since May 11th, here are the numbers. I've spent the last couple of months going to so many doctors and having so many tests and haven't been here to post a thing.
5/11/06 labs 9/01/06 labs
Tri’s 117--- 104
Cholesterol 159--- 308
HDL 44--- 52
VLDL 23--- 21
LDL 92--- 235
TC HDL 3.5--- 5.9
My numbers scare me, but I need to educate myself again on how much better it is without statins, and physically it is!
My muscle pain is gone, my strength is back, I weigh 35 pounds less than I did in January, my weight is still dropping, I am eating Low GI and walking everyday for an hour+. I eat eggs, butter and other fats that I didn't allow myself to eat before I found this great site. I don't eat any of the white foods (white bread, rice, white potatos)
I am on the Fish Oil 3400 mg, CoQ10-100 mg, Baby Aspirin, Vit C and B Vitamins as recommended by the spacedoc.
Have been to neurologists, had biopsies, colonoscopies and many "sinister" diseases have been ruled out.
The debilitating dizzy spells that I was having were diagnosed as a migraine variant, common in pre-menopausal women. Neurologists ruled out ALS and a plethra of other diseases.
Physically I am in much, much better shape than I was when I found this board in mid-May and feel better now that I have the last 10 years on statins and Zetia. I must admit, I lost the entire month of May and June to dizziness and extreme weakness and fatigue.
Also interesting: the little bumps on my arms and back that I have been plagued with for 10 years and was seeing a dermatologist for are GONE! The cyst on my right thumb joint has diminshed considerably and for the first time in 1-1/2 years I can bend my right thumb fully (was supposed to have surgery on the thumb 6-5-06 but cancelled due to feeling so bad and everything going on at one time with my health.
So..........is anyone else seeing high numbers but starting to feel better?
Best to all,