Zocor and Nerological abnormalities

A forum to discuss personal experiences and share information on statins and other cholesterol lowering drugs.

Zocor and Nerological abnormalities

Postby CharlieZ » Sat Sep 16, 2006 7:19 pm

52 Year old Male, Life long Floridian

I have had a variety of neurological abnormalities over the past 6 years which I am beginning to believe to be attributable to the Zocor. I have taken Zocor on and off for 6 years. I stopped taking hoping I could manage my cholesterol by myself. OH well. I think I have done more harm or damage by stopping and starting over and over.

These range from:
numbness in toes ( this started first )
tingling in face, scalp, and arms
peripheral neuropathy ( last 3 monhs)
weird sensations in the legs from the knees down (last 3 months)
plus a variety of others. One of the side ffects I have seen in print ( may mimic LUPUS, immune system attacking the nervous system

I have been MRI'd several times, plus two electro myography EMG( not any fun), a host of blood tests, and now a lumbar puncture spinal fluid tap looking for answers, but really just coming up with more questions.

And to add to the top of the list is the beginning of some sexual dysfunction.

Anybody else out there with similar issues.

Let me know.

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Postby Darrell » Sat Sep 16, 2006 8:22 pm

numbness -- check
tingling -- check
peripheral neuropathy -- check
weird sensations in the legs -- check

Yep, I can relate to that. I got all of those and more with Zocor. I vividly remember the day I had a vibration on my upper leg and thought it was my cell phone -- only to discover that my cell phone wasn't there! This board is the place for you. Lots of good stuff for you to explore here.
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Re: Zocor and Nerological abnormalities

Postby sos_group_owner » Sat Sep 16, 2006 10:48 pm

[quote="CharlieZ"]I stopped taking hoping I could manage my cholesterol by myself. OH well. I think I have done more harm or damage by stopping and starting over and over. CharlieZ[/quote]

Hi Charlie Z,

It's not your cholesterol you need to manage...
It's oxidized LDL you need to manage.

Elevated LDL & triglycerides, as the causation of heart disease, are
the primary reason most are prescribed statins. Most doctors also
recommend dietary changes, like the low fat - low cholesterol diet
which is anything BUT healthy. LF - LC teaches us to eat a high carb
diet. A high carb diet (especially white foods) equals high triglycerides.

The problem is not elevated LDL cholesterol, it's when LDL becomes
oxidized. Or put another way, our bodies reaction to inflammation
that sets off the chain reaction below... (Statins are a potent anti-
inflammatory. The fact that statins also lower cholesterol is

Excerpt from an article by Dr Malcolm Kendrick: LDL (Oxidised LDL)

" This is a complex pathway. When platelets start to stick together,
they release free radicals. Free radicals oxidise LDL. Oxidised LDL
is a powerful blood clotting factor. LDL is also incorporated into the
blood clot as it forms, and provides a lipid surface (along with
VLDL) for the construction of fibrin. Fibrin is the hugely strong
protein strand that binds a clot together and makes it tough. "
Note: VLDL is total triglycerides divided by 5

When you get a chance, read the complete article titled,
"Is Heart Disease All Due to Blood Clots?"

Things that create free radicals and oxidized LDL...
* Smoking
* High blood sugar levels (diabetes)
* Stress

Risk factors that damage the endothelium include elevated levels
* Homocysteine
* Blood sugar
* Insulin
* Cortisol (stress hormones)
* Triglycerides
Also smoking & deficiency in some vitamins, such as C and the B's.

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Is Zocor the problem and what can de done?

Postby CharlieZ » Sat Sep 16, 2006 11:39 pm


Been taking 10mg of Zocor for about 6 years, the last 3 or 4 months is when the worst of the neurologicaql issues have risen their ugly head...Like I said, it all started with numbness in the toes and in May I had a very stressful day at work and thought I was having a heart attack. Went to the hospital, stayed for 4 days and had complete workup. EKG, ultrasounds, and finally a cardiac cath. The cardiologist, found no blockage of concern.

The last 4 or 5 months have been very stressful with all the testing and worries about what they might find. So far nothing other than neruopathy. Still awaiting the test results for the spinal tap. Looking for 6 or 7 possibilities.

I guess we all better find a way to kick the Zocor and bad cholesterol habit.

Is there any best way to get off this stuff, cleanse the body of this chemical that seems to be reeking havoc my nervous system.

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Reply for Charlie Z

Postby sos_group_owner » Mon Sep 18, 2006 12:12 am

Hi Charlie,

Re: Is there any best way to get off this stuff, cleanse the body of this chemical that seems to be reeking havoc my nervous system.?


Taper off statins is best.
Cut the pills in 1/2:
wk 1 ~ take that 1/2 pill every day
wk 2 ~ take that 1/2 pill every other day
wk 3 ~ take that 1/2 pill every 3rd day
Stopping Statins: http://www.spacedoc.net/stopping_statins.html

At the same time, start taking Statin Alternatives:

Buffered Aspirin - 81 mg (contains beneficial magnesium)
CoQ10 - 100 to 150 mg (gelcaps - NOT powdered) with some Vit E
* Folic Acid - 400-800 mcg
* B6 - 80-100mg
* B12 - 200-250mcg
* (all 3 of these B Vitamins control Homocysteine)
Omega 3 (Fish Oil or Cod Liver Oil) - There is no upper limit

(my personal note: if you are aspirin sensitive, you might try grape
seed extract, which also reduces platelet stickiness)

Dr Graveline's Statin Alternatives reduce and prevent inflammation,
are anti-oxidants, reduce platelet stickiness, control (toxic) homocysteine
and have the same anti-inflammatory affect as 20 mg's of Lipitor,
without side effects.

"Statin Alternatives" are NOT intended to reduce cholesterol levels. As I
mentioned in my previous post, oxidized LDL (aka inflammation) is the

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Postby CharlieZ » Wed Sep 20, 2006 4:44 pm

Thanks, I just started the 1/2 pill a day routine for the first week.

For quite some time I have been taking a multi-vitamin that is formulated
to support immune fuction. Dr, Burgstiner's, Preventive Therapeutics Complete Thymic Formula (www.thymic.com). I have not been very dilligent in taking these vits over the last 3 or 4 months.

They have most of all of what you mention, except for the CQ10 and Omega 3. I already take flaxseed oil.

Thanks for the advice.

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Postby CharlieZ » Wed Oct 18, 2006 11:48 pm

I previously took Zocor for 10mg for about 6 years.

Did the 1/2 pill routine to wean my self off the Zocor. Along with taking COQ10 a minimum of 150mg 2 x a day; vitamin D 250 I.U; B6 10 MG; CALCIUM 500 MG; MAGNESIUM 80 MG; ZINC 10 MG; COPPER 1 MG; MANGANESE 1 MG; BORON 1 MG ( 2 X A DAY) along with Flaxseed oil, Omega 3, 6, 9. Lets not forget the 80mg aspirin per day. I stopped the Zocor on 10/2/2006.

I feel like I have had all the tests; MRI's 5 of head and spine with and without contrast. EMG 2, each about 16 months apart, with some further degradation from EMG 1 to EMG 2. Spinal fluid taps, they checked for various cancers, muscle issues, ALS and various blood diseases. My CK was the only item out of whack out of all the testing.

The minor tingling in the scalp and face area continues, along with minor muscle twitching in the legs continues however. Not to mention the unfavorable sexual side effects.

I hope they have not missed anything test wise. Any one out there have any good success stopping this neurological madness. Any thoughts on additional testing.
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Zocor Recovery Period

Postby bucho » Thu Oct 19, 2006 4:24 pm


I fit your profile almost perfectly, so maybe my experience will be some indication of what you can expect. I'm male, age 52, and was on 20 mg Zocor for 3 years. Had numerous neurological issues, similar to yours, with everything aggravated (and major fatigue) following any form of exercise. I had many of the same tests as you (including Lyme), with similar results. I did have moderately elevated CK levels that my doctor seemed unconcerned about.

There's hope. I've been off 6 months now and am about 90-percent back to normal. I never thought I would see this level of recovery. But there was very little improvement in the first few weeks. In fact, there were some bad rebounds where I seemed to go back to full severity symptoms. But those major rebounds pretty much ended by the end of month 3 off the Zocor.

I think the Co-Q10 is helpful (like you, I take about 300 mg daily). As an unexpected benefit, I'm amazed at how much more flexible, strong, and pain-free my neck and shoulders have become. Because the deterioration was gradual, I hadn't realized how bad it had gotten. I now realize that I was habitually in a slouched posture, because the muscles had shortened and become less flexible. I was unconsciously avoiding motions that would cause pain.

Good luck and keep us posted. We'll keep our fingers crossed that you see some significant gains in the next couple of months. If my experience is any indication, that will be a good sign of an eventual full or near-full recovery.
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Postby catspajamas » Wed Jan 03, 2007 8:15 pm

I am a 67 yr old woman who was on zocor for 4 years...went the gamit from muscle weakness and damage(droopy eye lid permanent).. to periferal nerve damage..Severe overwhelming fatique..severe diarrhea and vomiting..Within a month of stopping zocor all adverse symptoms went away except for the neurapathy..It has been 4 years since I stopped all statins. My feet are very painful and have to take lyrica to control the pain...For my cholesteral I take Niacin, benfiotiamine(b vitamins), fish oil and R lipoic acid.and policosanol..My total cholesteral came down on this regime from 310 to 229 in a years time..I ended up at Mayos clinic in MN twice. Had extensive neurological and digestive tests...all negative...I also ended up with shingles..so zocor really did a number on my nervous system...I think what scared me the most was that It was becoming increasingly harder to concentrate/forgetful when on zocor...I am stuck with permanently damaged nerves in my feet I am afraid...I do hope at some time they will regenerate.....Sure glad I found this forum.....
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