Naturally maintaing low homocysteine levels.

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Naturally maintaing low homocysteine levels.

Postby shawk » Sun Sep 17, 2006 2:33 pm

Hi All,

I wanted to share some new info I received from my Chiropractor and 2 supplements he has me taking that naturally maintains low homocysteine levels.

The first is called Betaine HCL(Please read about this by you start taking it, you may not need it) Besides lowering homocysteine levels Betaine HCL(it is hydrocholoric acid, please read about it) Betaine also helps the stomach to digest proteins and fats much easier before they go to liver....I have been on the betaine HCL (6 100MG tabs a day) for about a month and I no longer have any indegestion, heartburn or stomach issue I had before. I also know my change in diet has a lot to do with this as well, but this Betaine is wonderful...

Below is an excerpt I pulled from the WEB my Chiro found.

Evidence is mounting that an elevated homocysteine level is a significant risk factor for atherosclerosis, as well as other cardiovascular and neurological disorders. Betaine or trimethylglycine is derived from choline via an oxidation reaction. Betaine is one of the factors that maintains low levels of homocysteine by resynthesizing L-methionine from homocysteine.

more on Betaine HCL below:


The second is called Choline. This one is a beauty for detoxifying and cleaning the liver.

More on Choline:

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Joined: Wed Aug 16, 2006 3:36 pm

re: Betaine - TMG

Postby sos_group_owner » Mon Sep 18, 2006 12:40 am

Hi Scott,

Excellent post. Just to add a bit to your info.

Most can control homocysteine (Hcy) supplementing with folic acid, B6 and B12. It's actually best to take all the B's but these are the one that control Hcy.

This is the best explanation I've found that outlines what some will need to control Hcy...
[url] [url]

Excerpt: "There are three biochemical pathways used by the body to reduce homocysteine. In one pathway TMG donates a methyl group which detoxifies homocysteine. In this reaction, TMG is reduced to DMG (dimethylglycine), that familiar-product sold as a supplement for its energizing effects. In the other routes, folic acid, B12 and B6 convert homocysteine into nontoxic substances. Some people can't utilize one or another of these pathways. That is why a combination of all these nutrients is most effective for lowering homocysteine. In some people vitamin B may not be efficiently converted to its active co-enzyme form, pyridoxyl-5-phosphate. In that case supplementing with pyridoxyl-5-phosphate (P-5-P) would be necessary. "

"For many people, the daily intake of 500 mg of TMG, 800 mcg of folic acid, 1000 mcg of vitamin B12, 250 mg of choline, 250 mg of inositol, 30 mg of zinc, and 100 mg of vitamin B6 will keep homocysteine levels in a safe range."

Further down in the article, a bit about betaine HCL vs TMG:

"Betaine comes from beet sugar and is extracted through a very complex process. Don’t think the betaine HCL you see in digestive supports is the same isn’t. It has not been shown that betaine HCL is a methyl donator..although it may is very acidic and for long term use, would not be a good plan."

Re: homocysteine levels
Most labs say that up to 11+ is within the safe range BUT the optimal levels should be 6.2 or less, as there in no safe level of (toxic) Hcy. For every 3 point above 6.3, there is a 35% increased risk of myocardial-infarction (heart-attack).
(American Journal of Epidemiology, 1996, 143[9]:845-59)

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Postby shawk » Mon Sep 18, 2006 10:33 am

Thanks for the info Fran...

I am taking approximately 45 supplements right now and only for 90 days....My daily regime includes B6, B12 and Folic acid and those will be part of my daily regime after this first 90 days.

I will probably be coming off the Betaine HCL after 90 days..

The blood test with my CHiro showed how badly my body was lacking some very essential vitamins and is rather incredible to see how many of these vitmans, minerals actually work together and have secondary benefits such as Betaine HCL lowering homocysteine

There is something to be said for the way we have allowed our food industry and health care systems to totally ruin us.

I have family that are still in rural areas and are completely self suffiecint in terms of growing food, making butter, wheat flour, having real milk and eggs, pork, beef and chickens that are not feed hormones, allowed to be free and it is shocking to see how well they look, feel and are health wise...

Not one of them have issues with cholestrol, etc...and dinner sometimes still is comprised of buttermilk fried chicken, wheat biscuts w/home made butter, and fresh veggies...

combine those all natural meals with the supplements they take, and the physically hard labor they do and compare that to the average urban person who has a poor diet, is sedintary at work and at home, etc...then relies on the medicla community to "bail" them out with a pill when they are threatened with a major lifestyle change or possibly the end of of life...

I was guilty as well and I have changed for good....

Thanks for the input Fran!

Posts: 37
Joined: Wed Aug 16, 2006 3:36 pm

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