by mr_rf » Sat Oct 28, 2006 7:17 am
I have been reading through this posting and all the others for a couple hours and can't believe my eyes. I too am a Lipitor susvivor. I my mind, I wanted to believe that a drug that seemed so harmless, one that so many people take and one that the doctors push like candy couldn't possibly be killing me. I was so wrong!
Seven years ago when my daughter was born I made the decision to beef up how I took care of myself. I was 35, overweight (6' 1" and 260 lbs), already had hypertension (160/110 w/o drugs) and not getting any younger. The thought of not being around to take care of my wife and daughter in 10 years was hauntig my every move. So, I took charge and visited my doctor for help.
Other than a cut finger that needed stitches when I was 21 years old, and the high blood pressure visits at 33 years old, I hadn't been to a doctor for anything since childhood. Lipitor was perscribed and off I went smiling. Eight weeks passed, blood test okay. Six months passed, blood test okay. By eight months I couldn't hardly get out of bed in the mornings.
The body aches were so painful, unlike anything I ever experienced. I thought old this was the "gettin older" pains all my elders always spoke about. just siting for awhile and trying to stand up and walk brought on the same pains. Ironic though, after moving around for a 30 seconds or so, it was like nothing was ever wrong, as fast as the pains would develop, they went away.
I also noticed my memory retension was suffering, too. I never suspected Lipitor to be the cause until my wife saw a Lipitor commercial on TV and related the side effects mention to my suffering. I stopped the Lipitor that night and within three days, it was like someone took the weight of the world off my shoulders, the symptoms were gone.
But that was just the beginning, we tried Zocor and a couple other meds, all resulting in the same symptoms within days or weeks. I finally said "enough is enough" and told the doctor what he could do with his cholesterol drugs! One year after the meds, at 36 years old, I was seriously overwieght, no muscle tone, suffering erectile dysfunction, severe metabalism issues and mentally going out of my mind. The doctor could care less! No need to mention he's not my doctor anymore.
I took on another ninety more pounds during that year of cholesterol meds, never realizing the souce of my problems. Since that time, I've added another sixty pounds, but finally been able to stop the weight gain. I never have been able to overcome the muscle loss. No matter how much I exercise, building muscle is impossible. In fact, I seem to cause more damage trying to lose weight and exercise than any good that results.
I was nieve to all this back then, but I am convinced more than ever
after reading all the posts at this site that Lipitor has ripped away many years from my life, my family, my ability to play and spend quality time in outdoor acivities with my family. I haven't given up, but have learned how to listen to my body and take it easy.
Thanks for the many suggestions and explanations for my issues the doctors were to dumb or chicken to tell me about.