52 Year old Male, Life long Floridian
I have had a variety of neurological abnormalities over the past 6 years which I am beginning to believe to be attributable to the Zocor. I have taken Zocor on and off for 6 years. I stopped taking hoping I could manage my cholesterol by myself. OH well. I think I have done more harm or damage by stopping and starting over and over.
These range from:
numbness in toes ( this started first )
tingling in face, scalp, and arms
peripheral neuropathy ( last 3 monhs)
weird sensations in the legs from the knees down (last 3 months)
plus a variety of others. One of the side ffects I have seen in print ( may mimic LUPUS, immune system attacking the nervous system
I have been MRI'd several times, plus two electro myography EMG( not any fun), a host of blood tests, and now a lumbar puncture spinal fluid tap looking for answers, but really just coming up with more questions.
And to add to the top of the list is the beginning of some sexual dysfunction.
Anybody else out there with similar issues.
Let me know.