My husband and I have been given this web site. We are shocked to say the least!
My husband's memory has been totally going down hill for the past several years. It became very noticable to some family members last September when we were visiting. They though he must have suffered a stroke. Since then, we have been on a search for answers. He has had MRIs, blood work, a complete neuro workup. The neuro workup was a whole day of testing. The results were shocking. The right side of his brain has little activity.
After reading the things on your website, we are very concerned that it could be his meds. He takes Niaspan, Altopev, Benicar, Diltiazem, Warfain, Amiodarone, Lisinopril to name a few. Could any of these be causing the memory problems?
He went to his coumidian appointment yesterday and asked if he could take 1 tsp. of cod liver oil a day and 3 tbls. of flax seed a day. They told him not to take them because they could cause bleeding. My question is, and I will ask next appointment,...why can't they adjust his coumidian. Oviously, he would be taking less coumidian and I think that would be good.
My husband is unable to work becuase of the problems with his memory. He is 63 years old and is very, very frustrated with what is going on and feels there is no were to go for help.
Please help us.
Thanks so much...
Rose Crawford