Another Lipitor story

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Another Lipitor story

Postby cheryl » Mon Nov 13, 2006 10:48 pm

I was on 80 mg of Lipitor for 5 weeks. 2 weeks after I started I experienced pain in my left calf. Over the next 3 weeks it got worse, in my left calf and left knee. Tylenol 3 didn't give any relief to the pain. I couldn't concentrate, sleep properly or think of much else.

After reading some of the side effects in the Lipitor literature that comes with the drug, I went online and found this site which really helped me understand what was happening to me.

I have now been off Lipitor for 5 weeks but the pain hasn't gone. My doctor got very irritated with me and said she didn't know what caused my pain or what could be done about it. This is a doctor who gives out Lipitor. You would think it would be mandatory for a doctor to know the side effects before giving out a drug (just read the pamphlet in the box!!).

All the doctor could offer for me was morphine!

So I went to an acupuncturist and I think I got some relief but it could have been the CoQ10 that I started at the same time. The pain was definitely less, but not completely gone.

I just missed two days of taking CoQ10 and the pain became severe again so I'm thinking maybe it wasn't the acupuncture but the CoQ10 that was giving me some relief. I'm now back on CoQ10 (60 mg twice a day). I haven't used L-Carnitine yet but it sounds like it might be difficult to get in Canada. I'll have to try and find it.

It is amazing that I was only on Lipitor for 5 weeks and even though I have now been off it for 5 weeks I still have pain. It scares me that because of this, there might be permanent damage.

Thanks everyone for writing your stories. It helps.
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another lipitor story

Postby innkeeper1000 » Tue Nov 14, 2006 7:11 am

Cheryl: Where are you in Canada? I am in Alex Bay, NY...just over the border. I've been off Lipitor for a couple years. I was on 1 A WEEK for 6 - 9 months. I complained of arthritic pains to my cardiologist, but nobody related it to Lipitor. I was given samples so there was no literature. I finally took myself off it...I seemed to get better, but now I'm getting's affecting my thumbs and left foot.
I just had my thyroid increased (levothyroxine)...I'm wondering if there is a connection...I had called my doctor (who was gone for a week) and then I found this website.
I think I'm going to ask for the bloodtest to see if there is muscle degeneration which I know there is. She is pretty interested in things and seemed to be aware of the side affects of Lipitor and agreed with me that I didn't really need it...if only the cardiologists who are giving out this drug paid attention to what their patients told them!
There is a health food store in lWatertown, NY and they would probably send you the l carnitine....let me know.
Nice communicating with you...Judy
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Postby cheryl » Tue Nov 14, 2006 11:06 am

Hi Judy,

Thanks for your reply. I live on the other coast to you. I'm in British Columbia (Vancouver) on the west coast.

I'm feeling discouraged right now because I don't know if my body can heal itself after the abuse of Lipitor. All my life I've been respectful about how I've taken care of myself (Tylenol 3 is the strongest drug I've ever taken, I've eaten well, exercised, rarely drink, etc.). But for some reason my cholesterol is high (202) and I was put on Lipitor at a huge dose (80 mg per day). I'm wondering whether the cardiologist even took my height/weight (5'4 and 118 lb) into account -- would he have prescribed the same for a 200 lb man? Anyway, if I had been put on a lower dose it might have taken more time to find out that Lipitor doesn't agree with me. Thankfully I only took it for 5 weeks.

I'm thinking of doing a liver detox. I'll continue with CoQ10 and see if I can find L-Carnitine.

Thanks again for your support.

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Postby innkeeper1000 » Tue Nov 14, 2006 12:16 pm

Cheryl...I order from Dr. Schulz (American Botanicals in Calif.) and I think I will do his liver cleanse myself. I've done it before because I'm on some other medications, but after reading some of these stories, I think that is a good place to start. He also has a product called Superfood that has B vitamins that I take on and off. I also think I will try the carnitine.
I was only on 1 pill A WEEK for about 6-9 months...I was given samples so there was no paperwork. I ended up taking myself first I thought I was developing arthritis.....then started talking to other people.
My brother had the same problem but he's gained about 100 pounds in addition to everything else.
My daughter's boyfriend was just put on a statin drug and it makes me angry that this is still happening.
I was just given the name of an attorney Mary Jay Krum in New York on another part of this board...only one they know of who is sueing. I don't know my way around this board yet, but it was a response to Somewhere In Texas.
Hope you feel better and stay in's comforting to know there are other people in my situation. Judy
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sources of carnitine

Postby Ray Holder » Tue Nov 14, 2006 4:33 pm

Dear Cheryl
If you are unable to buy carnitine in Canada, you could try the natural sources, although you would need more than you could eat to get as much as in a dose of supplement.
Carnitine is mainly in lamb and beef, less in pork and small amounts in milk etc, and a little in avocado.
To give you some idea of the amount, a supermarket recently advertised "Our 3 oz beef steaks contain 80mg of carnitine", not very much, but it might make a difference. The W Australia polio Network advises members wiith carnitine deficiency to eat red meat 3 times a day.

Not the whole answer, but better than nothing.

As Canadian health authorities have withdrawn supplementary carnitine, they should give the licensed form on prescription, as treatment for Secondary Carnitine Deficiency, which is really the right name for our problem. It is a lot more expensive over here in UK, named Carnitor.
Ray Holder
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sources of L Carnitine

Postby woody » Fri Nov 17, 2006 12:14 pm

Hi Cheryl,

If you cannot buy L-Carnitine where you are, you should try the company I use. They will deliver to Canada.

It really works, I was on Lipitor for about 2 years and suffered severe calf pain.
I started taking Q10 but the pain remained, but, after 1 day of taking carnitine back in May the pain stopped. I know my muscle is still not healed because if I forget to take carnitine, even for 1 day, the pain starts to come back slightly.

Good Luck.

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Postby innkeeper1000 » Fri Nov 17, 2006 3:37 pm

I purchased L carnitine 500 mg and for 2 days I've taken 500 mg in the am and 500 mg in the pm.
4 days ago I took 200 mg CoQ10 in the am and again in the pm. I did this for 2 days...Yesterday and today I took 50 mg CoQ10 in the am and again in the pm.
I have noticed a HUGE difference. Not cured, but much less not wake up at night with leg pain....much easier to go up and down stairs.
If you're interested in L carnitine and can't get it, let me know.
Hope all is well with you. Judy
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Postby innkeeper1000 » Fri Nov 17, 2006 3:38 pm

Previous message is for Cheryl.
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Postby phecksel » Tue Dec 19, 2006 2:42 pm

[quote="cheryl"]But for some reason my cholesterol is high (202) and I was put on Lipitor at a huge dose (80 mg per day). Cheryl[/quote]

Holy clogged artery batman, 202????

202, if you even follow the cholesterol fraud, isn't high, it's normal.

According to the study of Japanese Men, (and please forgive me for not remembering the exact number), but the men who lived the longest had numbers in the 240 range. And 80mg? Isn't that reserved for the super high number patients?

I hope your body can effectively cleanse the residual drug from your system.
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Postby vipergg22 » Sun Dec 24, 2006 11:21 am

[quote="cheryl"]Hi Judy,

Thanks for your reply. I live on the other coast to you. I'm in British Columbia (Vancouver) on the west coast.

I'm feeling discouraged right now because I don't know if my body can heal itself after the abuse of Lipitor. All my life I've been respectful about how I've taken care of myself (Tylenol 3 is the strongest drug I've ever taken, I've eaten well, exercised, rarely drink, etc.). But for some reason my cholesterol is high (202) and I was put on Lipitor at a huge dose (80 mg per day). I'm wondering whether the cardiologist even took my height/weight (5'4 and 118 lb) into account -- would he have prescribed the same for a 200 lb man? Anyway, if I had been put on a lower dose it might have taken more time to find out that Lipitor doesn't agree with me. Thankfully I only took it for 5 weeks.

I'm thinking of doing a liver detox. I'll continue with CoQ10 and see if I can find L-Carnitine.

Thanks again for your support.


You have got to be kidding a 202 level and he puts you on the highest dose of the 2nd strongest statin , this guy is obviously an idiot who knows nothing about potential side effects . First that level should not even be treated , second if you started anything at all you use the the lowest dose of the weakest statin and go from there . Man that is malpractice if he put you 80 mg of lipitor for a 202 level . What are these people thinking about !!!!!
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