Had a heart attack 12.28.04, started on lipitor, lisinopril, metoprolol, plavix on 12.31.04.
Taken off plavix at 6 months use per plan, changed from lipitor to vytorin somewhere along the way, refused to take anymore lisinopril last year due to dizziness.
Dizziness has been a huge problem from 11 days after I started the original 4 drug plan. 01/011/05
I originally didn't believe the dizziness was due to the statin because I had switched from Lipitor to Vytorin and dizziness hadn't changed. Lisinopril and the Plavix were gone so the last culprit was Metoprolol.
Quit Metoprolol on or about 07/15/2006, The only drug left is vytorin. still dizzy a month and a half later.
Went to a GP doc about 1.5 weeks ago, All his visual subjective tests were good, I could walk a "tightrope" line ok, no outward visible symtoms of dizziness, etc. He recommended a C-T scan and a appointment with a neurologist.
At that point the red flags went up and I could see the continuation of posts on this forum of "no causes/ symptoms found, diagnosis of possible/ early ALS"
So I immediately started to ween myself off vytorin. Lots of improvement but still reduced dizzy feelings, However I don't anymore nearly fall down if a child jumps in front of me.
At this point I expect/ hope the discontinuation of vytorin to completely solve my problem.
BTW, I have recently started taking vitamin c, b complex and coq10 to deal with possible damage.
My question is how long can I expect dizziness to continue?