Alzheimers, diabetes, high cholesterol

A forum to discuss personal experiences and share information on statins and other cholesterol lowering drugs.

Alzheimers, diabetes, high cholesterol

Postby laniej » Mon May 22, 2006 9:07 pm

Wish I had more intelligent information to offer, but my dear mother died about three years ago due to Alzheimers, a very unpleasant way to go for all involved. She had been battling insulin-requiring diabetes since she was about 45, high cholesterol for I don't know how long (which all of her children have as well including myself and my children) as well as high blood pressure and migraines. She lived with a high level of anxiety in her life as well with all those children, a very abusive husband and never enough money to go around. I always wonder how much of a part anxiety and stress plays in triggering the problems she had. Being her child, I am of course concerned in the hereditary nature of all of this.

I was on Mevacor when my high cholesterol was first discovered at 33. I've been on Zocor and then Lipitor. Last month my doctor changed my medication to Vytorin and I have definitely noticed a general body swelling lately, especially my feet. I have a desk job so thought it could be all that sitting, but they didn't do this before. I wonder what we are doing to our bodies with all these meds!
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Reply for "laniej"

Postby sos_group_owner » Tue May 23, 2006 11:35 pm

Hi laniej,

I'm so sorry to hear you lost your Mom to Alzheimer's. I was so scared
when my husband was mis-diagnosed with Alzheimer's following 8 yrs
on statins... first Zocor, then Lipitor. He has not had any more bouts of
TGA (transient global amnesia), but short term memory recovery is
very slow.

There are many long term statin users that are experiencing side
effects now. Some have immediate side effects but for others, it takes
years for adverse effects to surface.

Why did your doctor keep changing your cholesterol lowering meds?

The incidence of adverse effects increases when someone is changed
from one statin to another and/or when the dose is increased.

Re: I wonder what we are doing to our bodies with all these meds!
I don't think there are any clinical trials on a "lifetime of statins" but
there are clinical trials that prove statins do not benefit women or
the elderly.

Please read Dr Graveline's article "Women and Statins":

And this one too:
Cutting Atherosclerosis and Heart Attacks
Supplements and Diet ... ttacks.htm

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Location: Connecticut

Effects of statins on Alzheimers

Postby haleybugs » Tue Dec 12, 2006 4:15 pm

I want to know if it would be okay to insist that my mother (82) stop taking Pravachol (20 mg) to see if it effects her diagnosis of Alzheimer's. There is no history of high cholesterol in her family much less Alzheimer's. The progression of high cholesterol, then diabetes, then Alzheimer's is too coincidental for me to accept. My mother doesn't feel good on all of these drugs (ten in all) for the various maladies her doctor has diagnosed. I believe that if she stopped taking the statin drug and followed Dr. Graveline's suggestion of vitamins that she may still be able to recover the effects of Alzheimer's. Is this possible?
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Reply for 'haleybugs'

Postby sos_group_owner » Tue Dec 12, 2006 11:00 pm

Hi 'haleybugs',

Living in Florida I see many over-medicated seniors. If you discontinue your Mom's Pravachol, make sure to taper off over 3 weeks...

Cut pills in 1/2
wk 1: take that 1/2 pill every day
wk 2: take that 1/2 pill every other day
wk 3: take that 1/2 pill every 3rd day

At the same time, start her on Dr Graveline's statin alternatives:

Buffered Aspirin - 81 mg (contains beneficial magnesium)
CoQ10 - 100 to 150 mg (gelcaps - NOT powdered) with some Vit E
* Folic Acid - 400-800 mcg
* B6 - 80-100mg
* B12 - 200-250mcg
* (all 3 of these B Vitamins control Homocysteine)
Omega 3 (Fish Oil or Cod Liver Oil) - There is no upper limit

If your Mom is "aspirin sensitive", grape seed extract (GSE) is a good alternative (reduces platelet stickiness/prevents blood clots).

NOTE: If your Mom is taking any BP meds, monitor her BP closely when starting CoQ10, as CoQ10 can lower BP in those with hypertension. You might want to start with 50 mg and increase gradually to 150 mg.

Re: diabetes - the typical low fat - low cholesterol diet usually encourages the patient to eat a high carbohydrate diet. Cutting way back on carbs (especially the white foods: sugar (biggest offender), flour, potato, rice, bread) and taking cinnamon capsules, can lower triglycerides and control blood sugar levels. Mom should eat 6 small meals (each about 3 hours apart). Each meal should contain some protein.

Replace the white foods with whole grains: buckwheat, spelt, oat & coconut flours; sprouted grain breads, wild and brown rice, sweet potato, whole grain pastas; stevia or sucanat (sweeteners).

Cinnamon (C. cassia) is available in most drug stores in 500mg capsules. Take 1 to 3 capsules daily Or 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of the spice isle variety of cinnamon.

Excellent website "all about cinnamon": []

Omega 3 (fish oil or cod liver oil) lowers VLDL (total triglycerides divided by 5) and triglycerides.
Available in 1,000mg capsules - take 1 to 3 daily.

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