What is wrong with Doctors that they no longer care about whether or not they are killing people with drugs, and why are they so afraid of the drug companies? Why isn't there a Doctor who will stand up for us? Don't they feel the least bit guilty about what is happening to some people?
I am so angry at the statin drugs that I will sue them if we ever get the chance, and someone proves these drugs are destroying peoples lives.
My husband was healthy before starting on these drugs, and now it is day by day, and I think it caused his heart problems, not the high cholesterol.
Oh, one thing that men should check is their testosterone levels. The statins seem to lower their testosterone and it makes them moody, and can cause osteoporosis and a few other problems I can't think of right now. My husbands levels went to 292 which is below normal. Now with testosterone he is up to 800 and it has helped with some things.
My husband also has had eye problems, and I think that too was caused by the statins, but no one will back me up on that yet.