My Christmas Wish List

A forum to discuss personal experiences and share information on statins and other cholesterol lowering drugs.

My Christmas Wish List

Postby AnneW » Sun Dec 24, 2006 5:52 pm

JULY 2005: 49 YEAR OLD FEMALE – Home maker, did our winter’s supply of firewood, right from the tree to the furnace, did extensive gardening and landscaping, carpentry and woodworking. In other words very healthy and physically strong.

JULY 27, 2005: had a heart attack (with NO HIGH BP, Combined Cholesterol levels of 179 (4.59)) and was put on 40 mg of LIPITOR!!!!!!!!!!!!! When we requested copies of my medical records in Oct/2006, we found out that within 4 days of starting the statin, my liver enzymes were going through the ceiling, but instead of taking me off the statin drug, they just reduced it to 10mg. By Oct/2005, they upped the dose to 20mg because “new reports” had changed the magic number for LDL from 2.5 to 1.

Mid JANUARY, 2006: Stopped taking Lipitor because we figured that was causing all my problems. Unfortunately, stopping the Lipitor did not stop the problems, in fact, I developed even more and the existing ones became more severe.


I could hug my sweetheart properly without pain.
I could play with my dogs instead of telling them they have to be gentle.
I could sleep for more than 2 hours without waking up once because the pain is so bad that I have to try and change positions, which takes about 5 minutes to do with more pain.
I could lift my arms above my shoulders without pain so that I could let my hair grow again and be able to take care of it, that is if my hair and my nails would grow normally again.
I could open my jaws more than 3/4s of an inch and be able to chew without pain.
I could find relief from the inflammation in my joints, and the fluid retention in my body would go away, especially in my feet so that I could walk normally again without a bit of dust under my feet feeling like I’m walking on crushed rock.
I could get rid of the Walker and be able to stand up for more than 10 minutes without the pain being so bad I have to sit down for at least 15 minutes before I can stand again.
I could sit on normal furniture and get back off again without needing a crane to get me back on my feet.
I could have a shower without needing to sit on a chair and needing help bathing.
I could lift more than 10 pounds so I could actually do something again.
My hands and fingers would work normally again so that I could at least cook or bake, do knitting or needlework or even hold a book again so I could read it, and not feel totally useless.

I could go on and on, but the rest of the people that are adversely affected by STATIN DRUGS understand what I’m getting at.


I WISH I COULD BE A TRUE GRINCH and STEAL CHRISTMAS from every person involved in the manufacture and promotion of each and every one of the STATIN DRUGS that are out on the market, by having each one of those persons suffer for one week, the pain and suffering inflicted by their DRUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!, and that these same persons would also be told by their MDs that it couldn’t possibly be the Statin Drugs that have caused their condition.

P. S. I wish that Darrell and Ray be cured of all their ailments for their inspiration and help that they have given me and others on this forum.

Best wishes for the Holidays to all!

Posts: 16
Joined: Tue Aug 29, 2006 4:52 pm
Location: Kakabeka Falls Ontario

Reply for Anne

Postby sos_group_owner » Sun Dec 24, 2006 10:04 pm

Hi Anne,

I think you should send your good wishes to Pfizer. They need to hear how they have adversely affected our lives, many permanently.

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Postby Darrell » Mon Dec 25, 2006 2:37 pm

I got tears in my eyes even before I read down to my name.

Two years ago I had a miserable Christmas. I felt like the flu was coming on at any minute, even though I had had a flu shot and none of my family or friends had the flu. Totally drained. My right leg was a disaster and the bad sensations were developing in my left leg. That feeling worsened for over a week and didn't start to lift until I stopped my statin.

Last Christmas I was much improved, but anything over roughly an hour of physical activity would cause my right leg to start aching and continue until hours of rest. Many nights were fairly sleepless due to leg ache.

This Christmas I feel very fortunate, especially thanks to Ray Holder and L-Carnitine. I slept well last night. It's Christmas Day afternoon and the only intrusion on my holiday besides taking my Q10 and L-Carnitine has been the thought while dressing that I needed to quickly bypass the Christmas activities to take my L-Carnitine so I wouldn't forget it. My right leg will remind me if I do forget, but that's not a reminder I appreciate.

I wish you all recovery. And may the statin business be well illuminated for what it truly is in 2007.
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Postby Ray Holder » Tue Dec 26, 2006 12:06 pm

Dear All
I would like to wish all statin damaged people a Happy New Year, and relief from as many of your side effects as possible.

It has been a privilege to "talk" directly to those of you with problems for which Tessa Jupp of the W Australia Polio Network first passed on the basic clues to me, I have thanked her for four Christmasses which I thought I would never see, before I read her advice. Her research of all available literature on the subject of Post Polio is what all fundamental research should be, based on helping the sufferer, not looking only at those matters capable of producing great corporate financial reward, which appears to be the only driving force for Big Pharma.

Some Providence must have guided my hand to choose Darrell for my first posting on Carnitine, I am very grateful to him for taking up the battle, with a lot of research thrown in.

My present campaign is to try to find a chink in the armour of drug research and regulatory governance, which, in Uk at least can be shown mathematically to be effectively in the pay of Big Pharma, due to their control of funding for the great majority of research funding. Whatever tirade I direct at medical personnel seems to be brushed off by reference to evidence based medicine, but is the evidence true and the whole truth.?? I have serious doubts and worse.

The suppression of Q10 research in many countries except Japan is nothing short of criminal, and everyday medics seem to look upon it as something of a herbal nature, whereas it is one of the most basic necessities for life to exist.

Keep up the pressure on authority and lets be hopeful that we shall see some progress in 2007.

Good wishes to all

Ray Holder
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Postby Cat Mom2 » Wed Dec 27, 2006 12:40 pm

My wish is that this whole statin drug's side effects thing bust wide open and backfire in the big pharma's FACE and they have to pay everyone of us for our pain and suffering and future damage/ doctors visits/suffering and care required from the effects of their drugs!

I wish that everyone on the stuff now KNOW and realize what it is doing to their body and get off the stuff.

My daughters mother in law is alway having some sort of problem that requires more medicine, hospital stays or surgeries and she recently asked her if she was on statin drugs.... she is.
Cat Mom2
Posts: 250
Joined: Wed Dec 20, 2006 4:18 pm

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