I had only just posted the above, and I looked on the Br. Med Journal website, as I have had 5 "Rapid Responses" shown there in the last few weeks. To my great surprise, there were two more of mine on there, one trying to get Drs to realise the perils of Q10 depletion, and the other asking that carnitine levels should be measured in muscle pain sufferers.
A letter from a retired consultant with statin muscle pain was sandwiched between the two letters of mine, which helps.
I can only hope that they get read and that some notice is taken, I was a bit scathing about the government bodies who ought to be taking things up and quoted the figures for reported statin effects from one gov body website, including about 60 deaths thought to be connected.
I mentioned those in trouble on the spacedoc website.
That's pushed my BP up before bedtime, I've had to take a puff!!