by hgreg » Wed Oct 19, 2005 11:38 am
I have a similar personal experience, with the use of 3 types of statin drugs, which I related to Dr. Graveline a few months ago. I am a Registered Nurse with 44 yrs. experience and degrees in Nursing andBicchemistry. I have a family history of hypercholesterolemia, osteoarthritis, and Grave's disease--diagnosed in 2002.
In June of 1998 I was put on 10 mg of lipitor daily and suffered mild side effects which I learned to live with: ex: fatigue, muscle aches, pains, and increase in muscle cramps-including unusual cramps in muscles in which I had never had cramps before. When I told my family doctor about this, he suggested I take Co-enzyme Q10. I tried it and could tell no difference in the symptoms I had been having so I stopped it. About two and one half years ago I developed an intermittent strange, metallic or salty taste in my mouth. It was worse when I was excersing (because of drinking lots of liquids) and when eating--anything which increased the production of saliva. Even a banana tasted salty to me. This became much worse later on after going on vytorin.
In August 2004 I was put on zetia 10 mg daily, in addition to the lipitor. My doctor wanted to increase my dosage of lipitor but I was reluctant to do this because of the side effects I was already having and knew an indrease in dosage would increase the side effects. My LDL was 160. I agreed to try the zetia. I experienced some increase in my muscle aches and pains--especially in my back--and this became severe at times. Also, my osteoarthritis was getting worse. I have had osteoarthritis for over 30 yrs. and I well know my usual symptoms. The symptoms were annoying but not intolerable. I knew I had to see the doctor later and would talk to him about them.
In September, 2004 I was put on vytorin 10/20 mg daily in the evening. My LDL was now 130 but I was taking two pills; with vytorin I could take one pill. I asked the doctor if the increase in my musclo-skeletal symtoms and increasing arthritis could be a side effect of the statins and he said "I don't think so". After starting vytorin, I had a definite increase in problems with my muscles--burning, tenderness, weakness, and increased sensitivity to sprain, strains, and pulls. This was in addition to the aches, pains, and cramps I had been having. The pains in my back worsened, the fatigue became much worse--to the point where at times it was overwhelming. I lost my stamina and felt "bad" almost all the time. It was a big effort to work around my home, or work at my part-time job, or to exercise. It took 2 to 3 days to recover from any physical activity in which I participated. I noticed an increase in flatulence, malaise, an increasing sensitivity to light and noise, the strange taste in my mouth, stiffness in my neck and in my morning stiffness. I also noticed internal symptoms similar to those of systemic Lupus. I knew something was wrong inside my body but did not know what was causing it. I have recently learned that zocor can cause a Lupus-like syndrome and an alteration in taste.
Mid December, 2004
I talked with my doctor and told him most of my complaints were in my muscles, not my joints--even though my osteoarthrits was getting worse. I again asked him if the vytorin could be causing my symptoms. He said he didn't think so, but I could go off of it if I wanted to. I went off the med for a week, (which I know now, is too short a time to notice a difference in symptoms), didn't notice any change and went back on it. He did order tests for Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus, Lyme's Disease, and liver enzymes. Throughout my entire experience with the statins, my liver enzymes were never elevated.
Mid January, 2005 The only blood tests which were positive were the two tests for Lyme's Disease-which are notorious for giving false positives. I was put on doxycycline and took it for 3 months. The internal symptoms went away, but it could have been a coincidence. Neither the terrible fatigue, the musclo-skeletal symptoms, the unusual taste in my mouth, nor the malaise went away. I noticed depression over the winter and slight dyspnea on exertion.
April, 2005 I went to a Rheumatologist who had a sedimentation rate and a c-reactive protein test done. Both were negative. He told me I probably had not had Lyme's Disease and I did not have an inflammatory disease. I have recently learned that the statins can cause a myopathy in which the inflammatory enzymes are not elevated.
May, 2005 Because my house is 75 yrs. old and the source of my water is a spring, I had my water tested--thinking that it might contain heavy metals or lead which could be causing my symptoms. These test were negative also. I had narrowed down the cause of my symptoms to the long term effects of Lyme's Disease or to the side effects of the statins.
May 16, 2005 I stopped taking vytorin the day I got the results of my water tests. The strange taste in my mouth went away in 3 days. I soon started feeling better and in 3 weeks could tell a definite difference int the symptoms I had been having in my muscles. My depression went away. I had much less "gas", less back pain, my sensitivity to light and noise is normal. I did experience a swelling in my left knee and the middle joint of my third finger right hand.
Mid June, 2005 I saw the Rhuematologist again, had repeat sed rate and crp tests and an aspiration of my left knee. The blood tests were again negative. The aspirate showed cells and crystals consistent with osteoarthrits. He again said he did not think I had L.D. but my osteoarthrites was getting worse.
June 30, 2005 I saw my family doctor and he says he thinks I did have L.D. but I was adequately treated and do not have long term effects of the disease. When I asked him why my ostheoarthritis was getting so much worse in such a short time he said "I don' know".
July 4, 2005 Seven weeks after stopping vytorin and I felt much, much, better. I continued to tire easily but die not have the overwhelming fatigue I had earlier.
Oct. 19. 2005 I have recently been diagnosed with pseudogout. which often occurs along with osteoarthritis. I suspect that my worsening arthritis was caused by a hypersensitivity to the statins. I also continue to have a susceptibility to muscle strains, pulls, tears, and sprains. My fatigue is about normal for my age, and I continue to exercise but I cannot do so as hard or as long as I did before I went on statins.
I believe the statins are dangerous drugs, that they are prescribed much too lightly by doctors, some of whom do not know that they can seriously impair a person's life and health without the side effects progressing to a case of radbomyolysis. I also wonder if my muscles have been permanently damaged by the drugs. I am hoping that more time( I have read that it may take 1 to 2 yrs. to completely recover) will prove me wrong about that. I plan to never take another statin drug . I am taking B vitamins, antioxidants, anti-inflammatories, a high fiber diet, and exercise to help keep me healthy. I also try to keep up with the research and reports concerning hypercholesterolemia. Maybe someday a new, safe drug will be developed to help the people who cannot take the "wonder-drugs"=the statins.