Thank You, Doc!

A forum to discuss personal experiences and share information on statins and other cholesterol lowering drugs.

Thank You, Doc!

Postby NurseJudy » Sat Jan 20, 2007 12:40 am

I would just like to thank Doctor Duane Graveline for all he has done for us.

It is not easy to stand against the tide. It comes with those who would like to silence us with fear, ridicule, intimidation, and variance from the truth.

When one person stands up, it allows others of like mind to become united. It creates a focal point for good things to happen.

I, for one, would like to say, “Thank you, Doc!”

Judy Johnston RN, BSN
Posts: 24
Joined: Sat Oct 15, 2005 8:55 am

Re: Thank You, Doc!

Postby adec » Sun Jan 21, 2007 10:37 pm

Amen. I too see the forum and Dr. Graveline himself as a focal point, as a God-send really. Not a week goes by without me thanking the good doc. I hope we all continue to spread this awareness to anyone who has ever taken a statin, or who has considering taking a statin, or to anyone who has ever considered prescribing a statin.
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Location: New York City

Another Thank You

Postby SusieQ » Sun Jan 21, 2007 11:17 pm

I started Lipitor in April 2004 when I was 63 and a half. In October 2005 I visited a relative in downtown Seattle. If you've been there, you know that it is very hilly walking up and down from the wonderful Pike's Market. My knees hurt so bad I could barely stand it. I remember going to a movie one afternoon just so I could sit down. I'd always had some trouble with my knees and I thought I was just getting older and that my knees were getting more tired of dealing with my being overweight.

I stopped Lipitor and started CoQ 10 in April 2006 thanks to finding this site when I was wondering why I was having shoulder pain.

Last week I again visited Seattle where I went up and down those same hills without a trace of knee pain! Many other aches and pains are gone as well.
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Postby Biologist » Thu Jan 25, 2007 2:17 pm

This website has saved me A LOT OF MONEY.

And provided some serious PEACE OF MIND.

I'm self-employed and one of the many millions who are medically uninsured. For years my strategy has been to stay as healthy as possible (which I thought I was doing with statins) to ward off the need for much medical attention now and/or in the future. An apple a day keeps the doctors away...

What we have learned from this website from the experience of others in the same boat -- some of whom must have had great medical insurance policies (thanks, folks!) -- is that THERE ARE NO High Dollar cures, only relatively cheap ones. (We now know there never were any High Dollar Medical Preventions either, such as statins.)

Here we see what works and what doesn't based on the experience of others and on cleaner scientific evidence cited & hyperlinked. We also become even more aware we are blameless for statin problems: Doctors -- who are highly educated and highly paid to know better -- continue to prescribe and take statins themselves in large numbers. It is not us who are ignorant. That provides some peace of mind. It's empowering.

Others who are unaware of such a resource as this must suffer and worry on their own and/or waste major bucks Just To Find Out that there are no effective medical interventions from statin damage -- the hard way. This hard earned knowledge calls for expensive, time consuming, sometimes painful testing & procedures just to receiving no diagnosis, inconclusive diagnosis or erroneous diagnosis, followed by more of the same, and then expensive and useless if not counterproductive therapies (e.g., including more potentially dangerous drugs). They get to further financially support the same incompetent system that slapped them hard in the first place. They also get to involuntarily educate often dismissive doctors on their own dime (i.e., credit card) and on their own time -- Another hard slap in the face.

No thanks.

I now educate a doctor or two -- and on my terms -- and I sure don't pay his/her salary while doing it in their offices. E-mail is great. Do they read what I have to say/write? Sure. You bet. And some -- the better ones -- appear appreciative.

Sending them to this website is a good way to go. For one, Dr. Graveline is impossible to write off. He pulls rank on most if not all of them. His credibility, knowledge and experience easily equals or exceeds their own. That helps.

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Postby Cat Mom2 » Tue Feb 13, 2007 10:01 am

I for one am extreemly glad the good Doc spoke out to start the awareness of what this drug can do.

The company I work for is way into all this wellness stuff and I wish he could inform all these big companies that having their employees on statin drugs is NOT in their best interest. The end cost in their medical insurance is going to skyrocket due to the (so called) few of us who suffer these side effects, not to mention the law suites in the making from the memory/confusion problems. (I know what I cost my medical insurance for the tests and medicines I was on due to the statins)

Just think about it. All the airline pilots, the riverboat pilots, truck drivers, doctors and other medical people, train engineers, pepole who could do some real damage who are on these drugs. I have often wondered about that Con Air pilot that got confused and crashed trying to take off on the wrong runway. I know the near misses I had resulting from my confusion while driving my car, picture that in a truck driver, train enginner, or riverboat pilot carrying hazardous cargo through a big town. Someday, this will be a BIG issue when these companies realize it was a DRUG that caused these incidents and go after the drug companies because of the law suites filed against THEM. It may take 20 years but I see it coming...

I am glad there is a place we can come and validate that we are NOT crazy and just looking for attention or "loosing it"...
Cat Mom2
Posts: 250
Joined: Wed Dec 20, 2006 4:18 pm

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