Statin Damage to Spleen/Liver/Immune System?

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Statin Damage to Spleen/Liver/Immune System?

Postby flacorps » Thu Feb 15, 2007 2:48 pm

In the 2002-mid 2005 time frame I was on fluvastatin (Lescol). I had a bad episode when I took Clarithromycin (black pigment stones in stool, bilirubin in urine) at the same time, and in a later incident I experienced pancreatitis and a gallstone attack, at which point I stopped the statin, but still later I discovered that I had very low testosterone which I believe was caused by the Lescol as well. I'll probably be on HRT for the rest of my life for that.

Fast forward to Mid-January. Something hit me like a ton of bricks. It was (mis) diagnosed as Coxsackie and mono (mono was ruled out by one of those 2 minute plastic-box blood drop tests--I don't know whether they even ran a test for coxsackie). Someone on healthboards with a similar diagnosis turned out to have Q Fever.

I was a strong, 44 yr old cyclist used to cycling 7 mi/day when I rode past a very unusual grand guignol roadkill situation (2 possums and a raccoon or vice-versa, plus something on the other side of a fenceline in a cow pasture that was much more interesting to the buzzards than any of the dead animals I could see on the road--I'm thinking maybe a placenta or aborted calf--if either of those was aerosolized by the action of the buzzards and I was downwind ... boom!, ya got ya Q Fever right there...). Within a week I was utterly debilitated, running 103.8 fevers at night with heavy night sweats, fatigue, chills, lethargy, extreme loss of appetite, headache behind the eyes, low back pain, apthous ulcers in the mouth, and my liver enzymes, ANA, and lymphocytes went off the charts. The chest X-ray showed something, but the radiologist reviewed it and ruled out pneumonia. I'll note here that I was also at the Ringling circus in early January, including a visit to the paddock area and participation in the actual show (if you buy the pricey front-row seats, they come and get you and put a Bello Nock plastic wig on you and ride you around the arena floor a couple of times in giant versions of Disney's teacups). Suffice it to say in January I was around plenty of strange and wonderful animals. And in a crowd to boot.

The walk-in clinic saw test results and was very panicky and called and wanted to send me for a liver ultrasound and to a hematologist and they even broached the "C" word. My primary belayed all that pending a second round of blood tests, and they did indeed come back better. The first round of antibioltics (clarithromycin) worked for a couple of days then the fever returned in force, however 10 days of levoquin knocked out whatever I had.

IMHO, Q Fever is underdiagnosed because as a reportable disease, finding it means extra unpaid paperwork for the doctor. Also, the testing requires a lab that takes biohazard-type precautions against the infectiousness of potentially Q-fever tainted blood.

I'm slowly regaining my strength and stamina.

Having taken Clarithromycin without incident (I believe--though I know I had a black pigment stone incident or two some years ago as well) back before the statins got into the picture, and having wound up with liver damage this time, I'm wondering whether the Lescol had a permanent effect in the spleen or liver that has made me more susceptible to bacteria as well. Although Q Fever is highly infectious (a single microbe inhaled can give you the disease), it also is silent or very mild for the vast majority of people. Whatever I had was meaner than a snake, and that's unusual...

Does anybody know what the exact nature of statin damage to the liver and spleen is, what's reversible and what isn't ... what heals over time and what doesn't? :?:
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Re: Statin Damage to Spleen/Liver/Immune System?

Postby sos_group_owner » Fri Feb 16, 2007 2:52 am

Hi 'flacorps',

My B-I-L recently had his gallbladder removed. A few weeks later he became jaundice. Appears he contracted hep-B or C while in the hospital. IMHO, hospitals can be more toxic than just about anything!

What my sister and B-I-L gleaned from this experience is that his liver does not have any scar tissue and that is the key to recuperation. Scar tissue usually does not regenerate with healthy tissue. My B-I-L is on the road to good health again.

I think with statins (and fibrates) if one's liver is in excellent condition prior to statins (and fibrates), stopping the drug should allow elevated (enzyme) levels of ALT (alanine aminotransferase) and AST (aspartate aminotransferase) to return to normal. Most cholesterol drugs clearly state in the drug package inserts the need to monitor liver enzymes on a regular basis. And it's also unwise to prescribe cholesterol lowering drugs to those with an 'unhealthy' liver (or kidneys for that matter).

The reality is... these drugs are dispensed like they're candy.

I hope this makes sense and sheds some light on your question.

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