Hi cjbrooksjc: Today is another one of those off days for him. Please let me explain, ......It has now been 6 days of his taking 1/2 the dose of the Vytorin (10/40 cut in half every day for now 6 days) AND (4 full days) of the recommended vitamin supplements on this web site combined. Although, my dear husband seems more "happy-go-lucky" and easy going like his "normal personality" is, .... He is a bit on the side of "too much happy-go-lucky" I think today!! In fact, a TRUCK could run straight over him and I think and would almost bet, he would SMILE, get up and walk away HAPPY!!!! I sat there during one conversation we had asking him if he was ok and cried with tears running down my face and he tells me calmly and HAPPY, that I should lay down and take a nap. Nap?... I don't take naps and he knows it. I certainly do not make a habit of crying for NO REASON either. .... Oh and did I forget to mention.... He's following ME around the house like some dog in heat suddenly?

He hasn't had this kind of shall we say "energy" since November when he was put on this LIFE ALTERING, MIND WASTING CRAP!! ..... This behavior is NOT his personality at all to act like a sex-crazed pervert!!!!
TODAY WILL BE... His LAST DAY on Vytorin..... or.... I'm selling the house, dropping HIM OFF at his doctor's house next door so HE can deal with it and I'm MOVING STRAIGHT TO ALASKA and CHANGING MY NAME!!!!

After what the Vytorin and his moods have done to me for two weeks now.... I FEAR FOR MY SAFETY if he continues on the Vytorin even though I am TRYING to ween him off gradually to protect him from damage,..... The weening ability here I feel.... is NOT working and robbing both of us of happiness!