Hi Harry and Welcome to the Forum,
Are you still taking Lipitor?
All the side effects you mention can be (and are most likely) caused by
Lipitor. If you decide to stop taking Lipitor, the recommended method is
to taper off: cut pills in 1/2 and take that 1/2 pills daily for 1 week. Week
2 take 1/2 a pill every other day and week 3, 1/2 pill every third day.
Statins are a potent anti-inflammatory and stopping abruptly can put
you at risk. Dr Graveline's "Statin Alternatives" reduce and prevent
inflammation, are anti-oxidants, reduce platelet stickiness,
control (toxic) homocysteine and have the same anti-inflammatory
affect as 20 mg's of Lipitor, without side effects.
"Statin Alternatives" are NOT intended to reduce cholesterol levels.
Statins (as do statin alternatives) reduce the type of inflammation that
leads to heart attacks and strokes. The fact that statins also lower
cholesterol is "irrelevant".
Please read these articles by Dr Graveline:
Stopping Statins:
Statin Alternatives:
Statin Induced Short Term Memory Loss: Treatment Aspects
The Great Cholesterol Scam: