zetia and thinking about suicide

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zetia and thinking about suicide

Postby grumppy » Thu Dec 15, 2005 8:21 pm

I suffer from chronic depression, probably for my entire life. I am now 69. I also have some problems with anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder. A year ago, I read an article on Asperger's syndrome (also called high level autism) and it seemed to fit me very well. At my age there is no benefit from a formal diagnosis which would cost Medicare and my co-insurance up to $10,000.
Over 10 years ago, when my cholesterol first went up, my doctor put me on Lipitor. I used this for about 5 years and didn't notice a difference until a new doctor took me off. I then realized that I had lost a noticeable amount of cognitive function and much of my ability to think creatively.
A few years ago, with my cholesterol still high, my doctor started me on Zetia. After about two years, I decided to see what would happen if I stopped taking it. While on Zetia, I had increased the amount of time I spent in thinking about killing myself. I also made several quite specific plans. Within a day or two of stopping Zetia, I was spending less time thinking about suicide and was no longer making detailed plans for it.
As a chronic depressive, I've thought about suicide as long as I can remember. I've saved some Zetia. If my physical health ever becomes bad enough that I might have to be locked up in a nursing home or other facility, I'll take the saved Zetia so as to achieve a more suicidal state of mind.

Reply for Grumppy

Postby sos_group_owner » Thu Dec 15, 2005 11:35 pm

Hi Grumppy,

Someone in my family suffers from chronic depression, so I empathize with your state of mind right now.

Lowering cholesterol (most doctors will say, "The lower the better"), is
extremely dangerous for someone suffering from depression, especially
with ALL statin drugs. One of the most common statin side effects is:
depression. But as you have discovered, Zetia produces the same effect.

I came across a website (O.A.S.I.S.) that might provide you with support
if you suspect your symptoms indicate "Asperger Syndrome":
Homepage: ww.udel.edu/bkirby/asperger/

You are still young by today's standards and should not suffer alone.
There are International AS support groups. From the homepage,
select "Support Groups" in the left column, and then "International"
towards the top right.

Posts: 482
Joined: Thu Oct 13, 2005 6:03 pm
Location: Connecticut

Postby Bootsiedoggy » Fri Dec 30, 2005 11:59 pm

Oh my God!!!!1 Thank you thank you thank you!!!!!!! My doctor told me Lipitor was fairly innocuous, no side effects. I got sciatica....she then put me on Zetia with the same cheerful advice, not to worry. I not only am thinking of suicide, but also of taking my family with me!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am printing this thread and bringing it to her! AND am changing doctors!!!!! NO MORE ZETIA!

Reply for "Bootsie"

Postby sos_group_owner » Mon Jan 02, 2006 11:30 pm

Hi Bootsie,

You might want to print the info at these two link. If your doctor is saying these two drugs have little or no side effects, yes, it is time to go shopping for a new doc. Innocuous they are NOT.



Posts: 482
Joined: Thu Oct 13, 2005 6:03 pm
Location: Connecticut

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