Statin ePetition Success! It was finally accepted.

A forum to discuss personal experiences and share information on statins and other cholesterol lowering drugs.

Statin ePetition Success! It was finally accepted.

Postby xrn » Mon Mar 26, 2007 1:55 pm

I have finally managed to get the UK Prime Minister's Office to accept an ePetition proposal from me. It will run for one year until 26th March 2008. Sadly, there appears to be a restriction on non-UK residents (I cannot say that I am surprised at that) and I had assumed that would happen and I have appended my own postal code to the end of the survey blurb, for the use of our friends in the far flung colonies. :D :D :D

The final outcome is rather unlikely to be regarded as useful by the Prime Minister's office because of the distinct possibility that people will have signed up from outside the UK... however, the information would be of great benefit to the WHO, who are the organisation that I would ultimately choose to examine the issues of the risks of damage, the actual damage and the deaths that are mediated by statins.

My hope is for as many people to sign up as can manage it and if your world-wide email address is rejected, then try to sign up to one of the free e-mail providers, who are based in the uk. do get any friends and relatives you know in the UK and can be sure that they feel strongly enough about statins to sign the petition.

The acronym SDRP is because the ePetition system requested an organisation. I thought that Statins Damage Real People wouls serve to remind the pharmaceutical industry that each death pr damaged person was a real human being rather than a statistically insignificant blip in their own shining examples of treatment graphs.

The wording of the e-Petition follows...

We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to initiate an
immediate and global moratorium on the prescribing of all
statin therapies. We request that there be an independent
inquiry into the unexcpected deaths and the statin related
damage that has affected people who have lost their loved ones
or those who have been damaged permanently by statins.

The pharmaceutical industry is not listening. The medical
profession is not listening. That research into the value of
statins is funded by the statin producers is unacceptable.

Pharmaceutical companies must be prohibited from funding
clinical research. They should be prevented from discovering
'facts' that underpin the value of their products and create
sales to the organisers of health care provision, world-wide.

We nominate the World Health Organisation as the most
appropriate body to conduct an impartial analyis into the harm
that statins have wrought across the globe.

Petitioners from across the globe are welcome to sign here, so
as to illustrate the extent of the damage done by statins. In
the event of a UK postcode being required to complete the
petition signing, please use 'LU7 4SX'. Thank you.

So now go to it and sign up please. :) Before you paste the ePetition address into your web browser, please remove the asterisk from the front of the URL which follows...


Kind regards,
Posts: 244
Joined: Thu Dec 28, 2006 7:19 am
Location: Bedfordshire UK

Postby cjbrooksjc » Tue Mar 27, 2007 6:34 pm

xrn: Kudos! Sorry, as an American Citizen I am unable to provide an acceptable address; my wife, although born in Glasgow, is also an American citizen and is also unable to fill in for me. I'm going to fill the thing out just the same in the event they think I'm in the US on a green card. Best of luck.

Posts: 1188
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Postby xrn » Tue Mar 27, 2007 7:40 pm

Kudos! Sorry, as an American Citizen I am unable to provide an acceptable address; my wife, although born in Glasgow, is also an American citizen and is also unable to fill in for me. I'm going to fill the thing out just the same in the event they think I'm in the US on a green card. Best of luck.


Hi Brooks! does the site permit you to use my own post code? I suspect that the email address may already be a filter and they want exclusive addresses to prove that only one signature came from one person. I would like to work on getting a global petition set up but have yet to find the time to address the people that provided the software. finding a willing host for what will become a high traffic use is likely to be a bit of struggle. I don't yet know if I can persuade a charitable foundation or a health care agency to cover it but that is no reason not to ask.

Kind regards,
Posts: 244
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Location: Bedfordshire UK

Postby cjbrooksjc » Tue Mar 27, 2007 7:59 pm

xrn: The panel DID allow me to enter MY Texas address and YOUR UK Postal Code, but that may blow up on inspection and filtration. We'll see. My name should pass through well enough though.


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Postby xrn » Tue Mar 27, 2007 8:08 pm

The panel DID allow me to enter MY Texas address and YOUR UK Postal Code, but that may blow up on inspection and filtration. We'll see. My name should pass through well enough though.



Yessss! Way to go, Brooks. ;) I suppose it is too early to let out a celebratory whoop but I can wait a while. It would be a great 'solution' if it did pass muster, though. If it does not get past the filters then we can both expect a call from the man. 8)

Thank you for trying.

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Location: Bedfordshire UK

Postby cjbrooksjc » Wed Mar 28, 2007 2:35 am

xrn: Don't know if my petition entry will stand up under close scrutiny, but for now, here is an email response I've only just received from the UK: (url asterisked)


You are now signed up to this petition. Thank you.

For news about the Prime Minister's work and agenda, and other features including films, interviews, a virtual tour and history of No.10, visit the main Downing Street homepage

If you'd like to tell your friends about this petition, its permanent web address is: *


I DO have mixed feelings though - wanting this petition to pass muster in the UK and wanting to help - but wary of becoming a 'bad apple' on closer review with predictable results for your efforts.


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Postby xrn » Wed Mar 28, 2007 9:15 am

Don't know if my petition entry will stand up under close scrutiny, but for now, here is an email response I've only just received from the UK: (url asterisked)


You are now signed up to this petition. Thank you.

For news about the Prime Minister's work and agenda, and other features including films, interviews, a virtual tour and history of No.10, visit the main Downing Street homepage

If you'd like to tell your friends about this petition, its permanent web address is: *


I DO have mixed feelings though - wanting this petition to pass muster in the UK and wanting to help - but wary of becoming a 'bad apple' on closer review with predictable results for your efforts.



Brilliant! Thank you, Brooks. I too have had mixed feelings about the fallout from cooking the books. I expect that the odd one or two 'foreign' votes will make no difference to the final assessment. It remains to be seen whether a whole raft of non-UK voters will upset the office of the Prime Minister but that is not really my concern. With the possibility of no more than a couple of thousand voices, I think the issue will be very easily dismissed.

If there were a large number of voices, even if non-UK, then it may well be useful 'evidence' in terms of letting the authorities know that a huge problem exists. I don't think it jeopardises very much in the final analysis given that we ought to have the means to be heard and having a voice, albeit by proxy, is better than having no voice at all.

I still think that there is ome possibility of getting the ePetition people to support a global petition but that will be some small way off into the future. We are in unchrted territory right now but my feeling is we should persist with it and try to get a voice. If asked, I will happily say that I am encouraging non-UK voters. The final paragraph in the detail states the following...

"Petitioners from across the globe are welcome to sign here, so as to illustrate the extent of the damage done by statins. In the event of a UK postcode being required to complete the petition signing, please use LU7 4SX"

so I can hardly be accused of subterfuge and if the authorities deem that I have broken the rules... so be it. I believe that having the information is going to be better than just guessing at the information. I suspect that the e-Petition is set up to run unattended and so I do not see any prolems during the time-span it is running.

Furthermore... in my submission to the ePetition scrutiny commitee, I stated that the issue was to important to restrict it to the UK only and they have permitted the petition to run, so I can assume that they vetted it and it met with their approval. In the UK, it is a cultural thing to assume that unless the law prohobits something, it is permitted.

There was no prohibition notice accompanying a rejection slip for my petition so I will assume that it was acceptable. I have not tried to hide what I intended to do and someone must have considered my corollary to the application. They did not say no to me so that must mean they intended to say yes. :D (it's wonderful it is to be a law-abiding Brit) ;)

Kind regards,
Posts: 244
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Location: Bedfordshire UK

Postby cjbrooksjc » Wed Mar 28, 2007 12:45 pm

xrn: Quickly, as I have to run out... I suspect you are above reproach, but the electronic petition response form specifies QUITE CLEARLY who may add their signature: it is restricted to Brits, Colonials, and the British Armed Forces abroad. BTW: It still feels OK to be an outlaw; a little like Robin Hood.


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Postby xrn » Wed Mar 28, 2007 4:41 pm

Quickly, as I have to run out... I suspect you are above reproach, but the electronic petition response form specifies QUITE CLEARLY who may add their signature: it is restricted to Brits, Colonials, and the British Armed Forces abroad. BTW: It still feels OK to be an outlaw; a little like Robin Hood.



Fair enough. You'll just have to be a colonial from way back then. ;) It's OK, Brooks, Robin Hood was one of the good guys. 8)

Kind regards,
Posts: 244
Joined: Thu Dec 28, 2006 7:19 am
Location: Bedfordshire UK

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