Hi folks, I got this from Consumers Union and thought you might want to take a look. I just wish there was some focus on statins, but this is a start. I wish Dr. Graveline could go to this hearing!:
"We need your help! Tomorrow the Senate health committee will hold its first key hearing on prescription drug safety, including requiring pharmaceutical companies to publicly disclose the results of their studies to tell us about dangerous side effects. Tell your Senators to fight for the strongest drug safety bill possible.
Last week, Consumers Union brought over a dozen people to Washington, DC who have lost loved ones or suffered a disability from drugs like Vioxx, Accutane and Paxil. Many of these people lost a child or a spouse to a drug side effect that they were never informed about. Their simple plea: let us know about a drug’s side effect so we can make an informed decision before giving it to a loved one.
Tomorrow a drug company representative is scheduled to testify and will likely urge Senators to weaken drug safety reforms. We need to make sure our voice is heard too! Tell your Senators to stand up to the big drug company lobby, ask them now to strengthen and support this legislation.
The Senate needs to hear from real people, like you, who want the safest and most effective medicines, rather than drug company lobbyists who prefer the status quo that has let many dangerous prescription drugs on the market.
Ask your Senators today to stop drug companies from playing games with our health!
After you send a letter, please forward this e-mail to people you know who want real drug safety reform.
Thank you for your support,
Liz Foley
A project of Consumers Union
101 Truman Avenue
Yonkers, NY 10703-1057"