A forum to discuss personal experiences and share information on statins and other cholesterol lowering drugs.


Postby Jude Franey » Tue Apr 10, 2007 10:32 am

In my wife's December/January issue of MORE magazine, a womans magazine, on page 72 there is a FULL page advertisement for Nature Made CoQ10. The title of the add is "On Cholesterol-Lowering Statin Drugs?". In the text of the add it says, "scientific research has shown that the use of statins can lower CoQ10 levels by as much as 40%".

Maybe the word on statins is finally starting to get out into the mainstream.
Jude Franey
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Postby poohhel » Wed Apr 11, 2007 2:10 am

You may be right...a friend of mine was just put on statins but quess what...her doctor gave her a prescription for CoQ10 as well and told her to take 500mg every day while on statin medication.
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Postby Scared by Big Pharm » Thu Apr 12, 2007 7:18 am

How very noble of the Dr. Hey, I'm prescribing a drug that could and probably will damage you in some way...but not to worry I'm covering my butt by telling you to take this supplement.
It's win-win...I continue to stay in good graces with BIG PHARM and go on the seminars, golf days, get free lunches etc. and you may end up with no short term memory, loss of cognitive function, muscle damage and pain, and liver damage.
Isn't that just wonderful! I hope this Dr. is nominated for the Nobel Prize!

These drs. make me sick!

I was talking to someone yesterday...been on lipitor, zocor and now crestor (might of been one other statin too)....but had bad liver enzyme problems with now Dr. Persistant has him trying Crestor...Let's see...same key ingredients...reacted badly to the first attempts...sure, lets try again....I don't mind taxing my liver to the point it will give out!
What's a little pain so that my Dr. can continue living the good life!
Dr. knows best after all!

What is wrong with people...maybe it's me..but if something makes me sick I avoid it....I don't roll around naked in poision ivy as I am highly allergic to it....I don't eat Cashews any more because I get hives....I don't eat bananas because they make me if a drug starts damaging my liver I'll keep trying different variations of it WHY?

I think I'd change drs.

WHEN will these dangerous drugs get pulled once and for all? How many more people will end up in wheelchairs or in nursing homes ?
It makes me sick... :evil: and angry!!!
Scared by Big Pharm
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Postby SusieO » Thu Apr 12, 2007 7:28 am

Big Pharm I know what you are saying. My cardio keeps trying to talk me in to trying a different type of drug everytime I see him to lower my triglycerides. They may have a different name, but if you read the fine print or just watch TV and listen to what the commercials say at the end of the ad, they all say "may cause a serious but rare muscle disease". I always have to laugh at the word RARE - what a joke when there are so many of us rare people who are suffering.

His reply is "well this drug doesn't work like a statin drug" - my reply is "as long as it says can cause muscle problems I will not take it".
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Postby xrn » Thu Apr 12, 2007 7:34 am

Scared by Big Pharm:

WHEN will these dangerous drugs get pulled once and for all? How many more people will end up in wheelchairs or in nursing homes ?
It makes me sick... :evil: and angry!!!

When more people complain in a coherent manner, Scared by Big Pharm, then things will change. Have you signed the petition to the WHO and added your 500 word account of statin damage?

Its free and you can remain anonymous... just follow the link (remove the asterisk formm the front of the URL) and you will have done something marginally more useful than complaining to those who already understand. :)


Kind regards,
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Postby Scared by Big Pharm » Thu Apr 12, 2007 7:44 am

I did already sign the petition and add my "coherant" comments.
Sorry to spew, but I really get so angry when I think of how people think that because something has FDA approval that no one will get hurt from it.

A friend was telling me recently about a guy who is now wheelchair bound and Drs. aren't sure what exactly he has!! It is like ALS but it isn't that...he can still move his hands and pull himself to stand but can't walk...has a hard time talking....BUT right before this happened he was on high dosages of STATINS!! Think this is the rare but serious side effect at it's worse...who knows? Will Drs. ever admit it was? probably not...

Thanks for letting people know about the petition. It is a great start to get heard!

Have a nice day!
Scared by Big Pharm
Posts: 14
Joined: Fri Jan 05, 2007 8:56 am

Postby poohhel » Thu Apr 12, 2007 1:20 pm

[quote="Scared by Big Pharm"]How very noble of the Dr. Hey, I'm prescribing a drug that could and probably will damage you in some way...but not to worry I'm covering my butt by telling you to take this supplement. [/quote] friend is on Red Rice? But regardless of that-- she has been on cholestrol lowering meds for [u]many[/u] years and has not had any type of adverse reactions... not even a muscle cramp. My mom too has been on statins for 25 yrs now and also has had [u]no[/u] adverse although, a lot of us (including me) are suffering from adverse reactions such as muscle pain, neuropathy, weakness, etc. Not everyone has complications.

Don't get me wrong, I am highly upset that this is happening and that statins are given out like candy...but for some it has been helpful-- so what tees me off is that there is not better communication of the (possible) side effects and once it is suspect...a great acceptance by the doctors that it is the statins.
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Postby Scared by Big Pharm » Thu Apr 12, 2007 1:56 pm

I guess my BIG question is this: How many people injured or killed by any drug is too many? Where do we draw the line and say that use of a drug(s) is worth the risks? How do we decide that injuring and maiming is o.k. if a handful of people benefit?

Why do we do recalls on dangerous cars or appliances if not ALL will be hurt from it? I just don't understand the logic that goes into making the decision that the good of the few outweighs the good of the many.
Especially since some of these side effects can be permanent.

Obviously these drugs are not monitored by most Drs. very well, so why can't the medical commuity just admit this class of drugs carries too many risks to outweigh any (potential/ I don't buy all the hype) good?

My Dr. wanted me to go on Zoloft for headache prevention. Said that even though my headaches very well may subside with menopause (hormonal) I'd be on the Zoloft for life! WHY? I have read too many horror stories about that one and withdrawals and side effects.
No thanks! Same goes for Fosamax...another medical scam that so many have bought into thanks to the slick marketing techniques that BIG PHARM uses now for all their poisions.

All the risks with these "wonder" drugs (no one wants to age anymore..need a "magic" youth pill) are too much for me to chance. I want quality of life after 50, not be practically disabled thanks to a drug.

My mother in law was on statins quite some time before her memory loss started. That scares me too. How do you know just when your lucky roulette spin side effect will kick in?

I hope your health continues. If it were me, my husband or any other loved one, I'd say no to statins!
The so called benefit just isn't worth it. The studies show that the % of those who improved their (so called) risk was less than 1%! 1%!!! Big Deal....I'll take my chances with diet, exercise, common sense.
Scared by Big Pharm
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Joined: Fri Jan 05, 2007 8:56 am

Postby xrn » Thu Apr 12, 2007 3:18 pm

Scared by Big Pharm:
I did already sign the petition and add my "coherant" comments.
Sorry to spew, but I really get so angry when I think of how people think that because something has FDA approval that no one will get hurt from it.

xrn: Thank you, Scared by Big Pharm! I get angry too. The failure of the 'authorities to see what is in front of their noses, is a mystery that has yet to be unravelled.

Scared by Big Pharm:
A friend was telling me recently about a guy who is now wheelchair bound and Drs. aren't sure what exactly he has!! It is like ALS but it isn't that...he can still move his hands and pull himself to stand but can't walk...has a hard time talking....BUT right before this happened he was on high dosages of STATINS!! Think this is the rare but serious side effect at it's worse...who knows? Will Drs. ever admit it was? probably not...

I suspect that many medics are not up to speed with the way that statins work. I know that their ignorance should be unforgiveable but when you see how the senior medics bully the junior medics (in the UK) then it is no surprise that the junior medics want a quiet life and just try to get by by doing what they are ordered.

Scared by Big Pharm:
Thanks for letting people know about the petition. It is a great start to get heard!

It has to get a lot more publicity yet. I really do hope that we can get a larger uptake than the present dismal percentage...

3575 thread views with 24 signatures is equivalent to a low .67% of people signing up to the petition.

Scared by Big Pharm:
Have a nice day!

Thank you! :) I hope that your day goes well for you too.

Kind regards,
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Postby poohhel » Fri Apr 13, 2007 1:22 pm

[quote="Scared by Big Pharm"] I hope your health continues. If it were me, my husband or any other loved one, I'd say no to statins! The so called benefit just isn't worth it. The studies show that the % of those who improved their (so called) risk was less than 1%! 1%!!! Big Deal....I'll take my chances with diet, exercise, common sense.

I have said no to statins and believe me I have shared this forum; many web pages regarding the adverse reactions to statins; and my own story with all of my friends and family ... But unfortunately, some people can not believe without experiencing it on their own ... so all I can do now is keep sharing, keep them informed, and one day- be there for them when their "statin day" comes.
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