[quote="Brian C."]For your health's sake dump the Lipitor. You have only been put on it because your GP is financially rewarded for every patient he/she places on a statin-based lipid lowering regime.
Quantity of cholesterol in the blood is immaterial, it is its quality that matters.
I.e. avoid its oxidation through a healthy, natural diet and lifestyle.
Plenty of good information can be gleaned from this forum.
Education is the best defence against ignorant doctors
Welcome to the club Tony!
Good evening Brian,
Don't GP's get a financial reward from somebody, somewhere for whatever drug they happen to prescribe? Whether it be statin based or not and for whatever it is meant to tackle? Are statin based drugs being specifically targeted by HMG for aggressive use by GP's?
I am a little perturbed that I be prescribed such a high dose of 40mg.
A lot of persons complaining of statin based drugs seem to be on as low as 10 & 20mg doses.
Last year when I had my blood test it was the practice nurse who gave me my test results and it is of some concern to me that the nurse told me that all my results were fine except that I did seem to have a problem with my thyroid gland. As an aside it was mentioned to me by the nurse that under production of cells by this gland could lead to my feeling lethargic. I have felt and was feeling lethargic at that time.
This year I was not seen by the practice nurse with my results but was seen by my GP. I do not feel my results have been laid out before me as I would have liked. No mention of under active thyroid at all.
I would not even remember what the practice nurse had told me if it had not been that I have seen on this and other forums persons actually referring to this problem of thyroid and it not being given sufficient attention prior to statins prescription.
The GP basically gave me some literature concerning cholesterol, some further literature concerning dieting and healthy eating, told me the value in monetary terms of the tablets he prescribed and advised that I not miss taking one.
I worked out for myself that I needed to desist from smoking cigarettes.
The only reason I came looking for just exactly what this drug, Lipitor, is able to do is because the BP tablet I take has a side effect list as long as ones arm and I suspected this to be no different.
From what I have read though, it is different. From the list of side effects of the BP tablet, the only thing I thought I might have been subject to was that it might have been causing me to remain lethargic should my thyroid problem have cleared itself up.
This though, or any of the statin drugs I have read about, actually seem to be more frightening than the problem they are meant to help be curing.
I defer to your advice and until I can find out some more of what
at least my condition is supposed to be, will not take this drug.