Honest proffesor

A message board to discuss personal experiences of Lipitor and its effects.

Honest proffesor

Postby Lars » Sat Apr 21, 2007 8:32 am

My story....
I have been on Lipitor for 2 years.
Last year I suffered from a Kidney problem and had a strong medication with Cell poison and lots of Prednisolon.
After the cure (6 months) my kidney-desise is gone but i got strong pain in my muscles and they thougt that it was the prednisolon who was the course.
For 2 weeks I had a totalcontrol in the revmatologisk hospital-department with bloodtests, CT, MR an so on and they found nothing - I am fresh as a fish...
I my last talk with my doctor (proffesor) in the hospital he told me that probably my muscle pain was a sideeffect of Lipitor.
Honest I must say. :)
He told me to drink a lot of wather (2 litre pr. day) 500 mg C-vitamin for eatch meal and go for fish-oil as a supplement and stop the Lipitor drug.
Some doctors understand :wink:

(sorry for my lauguage - but I am shure you understand :-)
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Location: Trondheim Norway

Re: Honest proffesor

Postby xrn » Sat Apr 21, 2007 12:48 pm

My story....
I have been on Lipitor for 2 years.
Last year I suffered from a Kidney problem and had a strong medication with Cell poison and lots of Prednisolon.
After the cure (6 months) my kidney-desise is gone but i got strong pain in my muscles and they thougt that it was the prednisolon who was the course.
For 2 weeks I had a totalcontrol in the revmatologisk hospital-department with bloodtests, CT, MR an so on and they found nothing - I am fresh as a fish...
I my last talk with my doctor (proffesor) in the hospital he told me that probably my muscle pain was a sideeffect of Lipitor.
Honest I must say. :)
He told me to drink a lot of wather (2 litre pr. day) 500 mg C-vitamin for eatch meal and go for fish-oil as a supplement and stop the Lipitor drug.
Some doctors understand :wink:

(sorry for my lauguage - but I am shure you understand :-)

God dag Lars.
Velkommen å spacedoc.net
Din regningen er ennå nok en bekreftelsen det konstaterer er en mange betydeligere problem enn det legeundersøkelse profesjon ville aktuelle slippe.

JEG er lykkelig over høre det din egen legen var meget opplyst og Jeg håper det det du komme seg din funksjonen absolutt og rask.

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behage tilgi en computer oversettelse fra Engelske i Norsk bortsett fra Jeg var håpende å lage du stemning flere velkommen. :)

Slag hensyn ,
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Postby Lars » Sat Apr 21, 2007 2:23 pm

Thank you for your kind answer xrn.
I have signed on *gopetition.com.
By the way - a fantastic translation to Norwegian. 8)
Once again a proof that languagetranslation to odd languages as norwegian is not an easy task.
I had a lot of fun reading it :lol: - but it was understandable.
Yea you made me feel welcome.. :wink:
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Location: Trondheim Norway

Postby xrn » Sat Apr 21, 2007 4:21 pm

Thank you for your kind answer xrn.
I have signed on *gopetition.com.
By the way - a fantastic translation to Norwegian. 8)
Once again a proof that languagetranslation to odd languages as norwegian is not an easy task.
I had a lot of fun reading it :lol: - but it was understandable.
Yea you made me feel welcome.. :wink:

Cool! Nice to talk with you, Lars. Good that you feel welcome here too. :cool: Many thanks too, for your signature on the global petition. :D

Kind regards,
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Location: Bedfordshire UK

Postby cjbrooksjc » Sat Apr 21, 2007 4:41 pm

Adjø Lars , Du burde likeledes betenke CoQ10 og L Carnitine komplettere inne din kosten. Velkommen å Spacedoc.net.


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Postby Lars » Sat Apr 21, 2007 4:52 pm

[quote="cjbrooksjc"]Adjø Lars , Du burde likeledes betenke CoQ10 og L Carnitine komplettere inne din kosten. Velkommen å Spacedoc.net.



Hello Brooks,
"betenke" is that like "consider"? If it is the translated word is from english "vurdere" in norwegian :D betenke is more like a report for b.w a justice issue.. Norwegian languagecours 8) and you told me "goodbye" with the word "Adjø" :D

What is CoQ10 and Carnitine and why? I could seek on the internet but prefer you tell me because of the focus you have on it?
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Location: Trondheim Norway

Postby cjbrooksjc » Sat Apr 21, 2007 6:51 pm

Lars... I won't try that again (universal translator) My Goodbye was supposed to be Good Day, or Guten Tag, (I thought that looked funny) and yes, 'consider' would be the correct translation. Let's stick to English from now on. I can butcher that on my own without help.

CoEnzymeQ10 (CoQ10) is manufactured by the liver in something called the mevalonate pathway and is essential to proper cell function and so is ESSENTIAL to life. Cholesterol is also produced by the same pathway. Satins block or 'squeeze' this pathway to prevent cholesterol production. Unfortunately, this also blocks CoQ10 production. CoQ10 is responsible for producing L-Carnitine, an amino acid, that makes ition possible for the mitochondria of each cell to absorb and use long chain fatty acids as fuel. Net: No CoQ10 = reduced/eliminated L-carnitine production = cell starvation,disfunction, or cell death =you get very sick and tired.

That's MY answer
I've added a more complex answer about Statin toxicity below. It was written by the Forum Author, Dr. Graveline. It's more complete, but technical and the language is potentially more difficult.

To someone who understands the mevalonate pathway, all the side
effects we talk about seems so inevitable. Why in the world did we allow the drug companies to do this to us, twenty years ago, when they first conceived statin reductase inhibition, thereby "girding the entire mevalonate metabolic tree? Inevitably, first comes cholesterol inhibition, the original justification for statins, the excess of which (statins) cause our terrible cognitive problems; then comes CoQ10 with a huge list of side effects relating to energy, cell wall integrity and anti-oxidation; then dolichols with side effects of altered neuropeptide formation, diminished immunoresponsiveness and glycolysis inhibition that only now are we just beginning to really understand; then provocation of excess tau protein production because of inhibition of normal Glycerl-glyceryl pyrophosphate pathway and finally comes seleno protein inhibition resulting in both myopathy and cognitive side effects. Even twenty years ago our biochemists knew this would happen with reductase inhibition. Why did we allow it to occur? Spacedoc

Please forgive my poor attempt at your beautiful language.


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