Hi Brooks
Yes I take 2000 vit C a day but I am now going to up the dose. I had bloods done to-day (not taken statins for a week)So if I up the dose I should get a much better reading in about 6 weeks. By the way have you ever looked up the benefit of drinking water? take a look and I think you may be quite surprised.
Found this article written in the daily Telegraph. I`ve copied and pasted it so I hope that is allowed, Could you post it where it will do the most good I will let Jeff know about it. Thanks for the info Brooks and please keep it coming I`ve been off statins for a week now and it feels so good to be alive. Will never touch them again.
Many many thanks Brooks
Lavinia aka Bibby
If you want to feel younger, forget your statins
By James Le Fanu, Sunday Telegraph
Last Updated: 2:25am BST 03/04/2007
A doctor accused of wittingly prescribing useless or possibly lethal drugs would vehemently - and understandably - deny it. This makes it rather difficult to oppose the prevailing medical consensus on statins - the cholesterol-lowering drugs prescribed to four million people in Britain at a cost of £1 billion a year.
That's quite a sum. It could pay the salaries of 700,000 nurses or build two spanking new teaching hospitals.
An even bigger sum is £15 billion. That is the profit the pharmaceutical industry made last year from this, the most profitable class of drugs ever invented. They are so profitable that the latest statins to reach the market came with a £600 million promotion budget, to "promote" the notion to family doctors and policymakers that the lower the cholesterol the better, and that at least half the population would benefit from the drugs.
But it is not so. Statins are useless for 95 per cent of those taking them, while exposing all to the hazard of serious side-effects. Hence my ever-growing file of letters from those who regrettably have had to find this out for themselves, illustrated by this all-too-typical tale from Roger Andrews of Hertfordshire, first prescribed statins after an operation for an aortic aneurism (that he had cleverly diagnosed himself).
Over the past few years Mr Andrews had become increasingly decrepit -what can one expect at 74? - with pain and stiffness in the legs and burning sensations in the hands so bad that when flying to his son's wedding in Hawaii he needed walking sticks and a wheelchair at the transfer stops. However, he forgot to pack his statins, and felt so much better after his three-week holiday that when he got home he decided to continue the inadvertent "experiment" of not taking them. Since October most if not all of his crippling side-effects have gone. Several friends can tell a similar story, and they have friends too\u2026
The take-home message is that statins are only of value in those with a strong family history of heart disease or men with a history of heart attacks. For everyone else they are best avoided as they seriously interfere with the functioning of the nerve cells, affecting mental function, and muscles.
This is all wittily explained in a recent book by a Cheshire family doctor, Malcolm Kendrick, The Great Cholesterol Con (John Blake Publishing, £9.99). There are, I suspect, many out there, like Mr Andrews, wrongly attributing their decrepitude to Anno Domini, when the real culprits are statins. I would be more than interested to hear from anyone who finds that "giving them a rest" effects a similarly miraculous transformation.