Could statins Unmasked other illnesses? I know that this is not common but is it possible? I wrote about this and it was:
I took Lipitor for 5 years and now have a strange nerve illness. I have looked for a diagnosis but have not found one over the past few years.
I have a genetic test coming back in a few weeks. They are now looking for a genetic flaw.
I think that statins can act as a trigger for some. I wrote about this and it was:
Subject: Could statins be a trigger for some sufferers?
I am not a doctor or a researcher, just a statin sufferer. But it seems as if statins are more dangerous than many believe because they have side effects that vary greatly. It doesn’t appear that there is only one set of side effects. Every sufferer seems to have his/her own set.
Could statins be a trigger for a variety of other illnesses? Diseases like Parkinson’s, Guillain-Barre Syndrome and Multiple Sclerosis seem to be brought on in some statin sufferers, or maybe it could be a combination of these neuro-muscular disorders for some?
I think I have cerebellar ataxia brought on by statins, i.e. balance and incoordination problems due to damage of the cerebellum (in the brain) by statins. At least C.A. has the symptoms that most closely match mine. However, not all sufferers have the same symptoms I have.