by cjbrooksjc » Thu Jan 24, 2008 6:15 pm
Rick: A hair-raising story to say the least but not surprising. CoA Reductase Inhibitors (Statins) deplete your Dolichols, HEME, and CoQ10 so severely that side effects are almost a certainty, for without these essential elements as a normal part of your body chemistry, your body begins to 'age' and apoptosis (cell death) can result. Certainly, at least, your mitochondria, the power source, waste management source, and fluid level manager of the cells begin to falter and die, especially in the musculature (and your most important muscle is...?). Only God knows (apparently) what happens to your health then or how long it takes and to what degree you may recover . As a fellow sufferer I sympathize deeply with your plight. On the brighter side, you are now in the right place to begin to take control over your health. Please stay in touch if only to commiserate; recovery is a long, hard road, and we will take the trip with you.
Best wishes,