by cls » Mon Apr 09, 2007 2:31 pm
Hello, I am new to this forum. I have been reading some of the posts here, and had no idea that statins had such wide spread effects on so many patients.
This is my story of degeneration of the quality of my health. I have been taking 10 mg. of zocor for over 5 years. I am a 52 year old female with family history of high cholesterol (mother), and type 2 diabetes and heart disease (father), taking oral meds and dietary control. I have been having trouble with chronic tennis elbow, that seemed to progress to pain and tingling, weakness, started in right arm. My left arm also feels weak, as I seem to have limited grip strength, etc. I can no longer work, as my job involved repeated gripping, twisting, lifting. I have had multiple steroid injections in right arm, shoulder and elbow, 7 so far. Repeated rounds of physical therapy. Mri's and e-rays show only minor arthritis and inflammation. I was getting bounced to orthopedists and a physiatrist. I didn't sleep well, was fatigued when I got up in the morning, and was thoroughly depressed. My podiatrist also said I have the start of neuropothy in my feet. The last round of pt caused soreness in the biceps area of both arms after 2 weeks of lifting 1 lb. weights. The soreness lasted for 4 months. I was prescribed muscle relaxers, anti-inflammatories, percocet, causing a doped-up feeling, and many others, I felt like a walking pharmacy. I finally asked my gp if my primary doc if the soreness could be caused by the zocor. I needed to get a note to be excused from jury duty, as I could not think straight or stay awake for a whole day. He said to stop the 10 mg. of zocor.
Within 2 days, I felt like a new person, not 100 %, but much improved. I had also been having trouble finishing a sentence, cause I could not find a word, then trying to remember the word, I would forget what I was saying. Duh!!!!! I was irritable and could not enjoy even the simplest of outdoor or recreational activities with my husband and son. I walked like a 80 year old.
I am scheduled for a CPV blood test and aldolase test, also cbc lipid panel sed rate, tsh, glucose, etc.
I am convinced the damage done to my physical and mental abilities was from the zocor. I am starting to sleep better and my energy is slowly improving. I hope the muscle damage isn't permanent.
Any comments or advice welcome. Thanks for letting me vent.