another nice side effect

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another nice side effect

Postby vipergg22 » Mon May 21, 2007 5:37 pm

Asthma and Statins

A new study conducted at Rochester General Hospital investigated the experience of asthma patients who were taking statins.

Those asthmatics who were taking statins during the time of the study demonstrated an increase in the severity of their asthma symptoms and more frequent asthma episodes.

Statins have been shown to have other effects, specifically by altering "t-cells," an important regulator of the immune system.
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Postby cjbrooksjc » Mon May 21, 2007 6:26 pm

vipergg22: Did the article say HOW statins alter T-Cells? I've not heard this before, and it could be as damaging as the mevalonate pathway effect; even more! This is spooky stuff indeed!!


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low cholesterol?

Postby JL » Tue May 22, 2007 1:45 am


I guess when you lower cholesterol, it harms the T-cells that are supposed to protect you. Altered t-cells leads to low immunity. low immunity leads to catching a multitude of ilnessese including cancer.
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Postby Brian C. » Tue May 22, 2007 2:47 am

I think it not unreasonable to give what has been going on regarding statinisation its proper term :


There, I've said it now.

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Postby Biologist » Wed May 23, 2007 1:27 am

Could be...

"Peter Rost, former Pfizer executive turned
whistleblower, isn't just at war with his old
employer. He's crusading against all of
pharma, an industry he likens to the mob."


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Postby Brian C. » Wed May 23, 2007 2:10 am

I'm afraid Pharma is only part of it. Greed, with stick in one hand and carrot in the other, is riding rough shod over the World.

John Nash's Nobel Prize winning extrapolation beyond Neumann Game Theory (that negotiating parties will achieve optimum outcome if each pursues pure self interest) has provided the philosophical justification for the econopolitical climate that now prevails around the globe.

As Adam Curtis observes at the end of Part Two of his documentary "The Trap", Nash's theory - as Nash himself admits - is only true for a World consisting entirely of Economists.....or of Psychopaths.

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more on statins

Postby virginia lyons » Thu May 24, 2007 7:50 pm

I've had neuropathy from taking statings for about a year and a half. It certainly must be under-reported since most doctors don't believe us, not that they come up with other plausible explanations. I have found that acupuncture is very helpful. To find a certified acupuncturist in your area (U.S.) go to * In addition to relieving the pain the treatments are an hour of bliss.
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Postby mgguy » Fri May 25, 2007 12:12 am

Virginia, have you had the neuropathy for 1 1/2 years after stopping the statins, or did this include some of the time when you were on the drug? I would like to know because I have burning in feet and occasional shooting nerve pain in hands and feet even after 4.5 months of stopping Lovastatin (after noticing the symptoms 6 months before stopping the drug). I have also been weening off Remeron, an antidepressant, that may have masked the severity of symptoms by relieving the pain. Now that I am coming off Remeron, it seems that the symptoms are increasing. I read someone else's post saying they experienced the same increase when they stopped their antidepressant. Anyway, I am curious how many others still have neuropathy months after stopping statins. Any response from you or others would be appreciated.
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to mgguy

Postby virginia lyons » Fri May 25, 2007 8:39 am

I took lovastatin for about 4 months and began having pain in my legs. Went off it for about 3 months and the symptoms were lessening but hadn't disappeared. Then my doctor put me on Zocor which I took for just 3 days and began getting severe pain which increased for some time after stopping it. I take a fairly low dose of gabapentin for pain. As I mentioned, the acupuncture helped a lot and symptoms virtually disappeared for several months then returned but without the initial severity. In reading the other posts I haven't figured out exactly what damage is done, but clearly something is damaged and takes a while to heal. At least I hope it will heal! Would like to hear from others on this.
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Postby Ray Holder » Fri May 25, 2007 9:54 am

Dear Ginny
It appears that you are another sufferer who needs Coenzyme Q10 and Carnitine supplements. The thread "Muscle pain and statins" will help you here.

The damage is usually the reduction of the body's Q10 supply by the statin, causing a reduction of carnitine needed to take fat for fuel into the muscles and also to take the waste products of energy production out, otherwise pain occurs from lactic acidosis.

Q10 is taken in oil based capsules, from 100 to 600 mg total per day, and carnitine as Acetyl L carnitine (or just L carnitine) from 500 mg a day upwards, taking 3 days at one level before increasing by another 250 or 500 mg and so on, but excess to your needs may cause bowel problems, in which case go down one 250 mg step. There are large numbers of posts on this subject, the Google site search at the foot of the home page will help you here.

Hope this helps

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Postby Cat Mom2 » Sat May 26, 2007 8:18 am

I have a friend that has had asthma all her life. Back around 98-99 she had such a flare up that nothing helped that she was spent those 2 years going from a week in the hospital, 3 weeks in a nursing home, a week at home and back to the hospital a week and that cycle continued for about 2 years. She darn near died several times and all the standard asthma medicines made her sicker. We were at a loss as to what was causing such a bad flare up for so long..... She was and still is, on statin drugs.

My sister was on Crestor and she was also diagnosed with asthma since being on it..

They do not care one bit what these drugs do to people, we are their test group and the FDA allows it. They are producing one harmful drug after another, presenting their own wonderful studies to back up their false claims and the FDA accepts it and have fallen way short of doing the job they were suppose to do.
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Postby catspajamas » Sat May 26, 2007 2:00 pm

I hadn't thought about statins and asthma...but while on and since I have been off of them...I get episodes of shortness of breath. Had a lot of tests and no reason shows up for is is a result of 3 years being on zocor???Interesting....
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Postby cjbrooksjc » Sat May 26, 2007 6:13 pm

Athsma: One of the side effects I often forget about is the coughing and wheezing that plagued me while on Zocor. I had a terrible cough, many colds and bouts of flu (and two bouts of Pneumonia), and never thought about the Zocor being the precipitate; now, after 9 months off the stuff my cough is nearly gone and the wheezing is a rere visitor (usually at night), AND I haven't had a cold since quitting - not even a 'sniffle'.

I know the Zocor caused the problems only because the problems went away completely when the Zocor went away. Funny though, when I list my symptoms, I almost always forget the respiratory problems though they were many.


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