muscle pain relief - new therapy - what cha think?

A forum to discuss personal experiences of Muscle Pain associated with statin drug use.

muscle pain relief - new therapy - what cha think?

Postby SomewhereNTexas » Wed May 30, 2007 8:37 am

If you read in the Lipitor thread you will see a long explanation of what has happened to me thanks to Statins -

A couple of months ago I underwent an agonizing 2 1/2 hour surgery to try to repair damage that everyone here will probably agree was the result of taking lipitor...

A week ago I was crying because of the pain and frustration and my cousin who has MS suggested I get some Blue Emu Oil and try rubbing that on my muscle spasms and aches and pains - I think this stuff really works --

the pain did not go away totally but the spasms/cramps have just about stopped - and that is relief for sure! Yesterday I went to physical therapy and the cramps got really bad. my therapist asked me if I was still using the "Blue Goo" and thats when I realized I had not used it since Monday morning! I am about to go rub it all over my body and go to therapy - and if the cramps dont conquer me today then I will come back and let you know ---

I was just wondering if anyone else has tried this before and if you havent I suggest you invest the $13 for a jar and start rubbing!
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Joined: Sat Sep 16, 2006 8:41 pm

Postby adec » Sat Jun 02, 2007 4:16 am

Emu oil makes a wonderful transport when used in combination with many topical ingredients, which allows DEEP penetration and absorption through the skin. Emu oil can also act as an anti-inflammatory. For those losing their hair, emu oil can even act as a DHT inhibitor; excess scalp DHT and inflammation are in part responsible for hair loss in men. I agree, the stuff is very beneficial. Too bad it's so darned expensive. Glad you found something that works so well. :)
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