I stopped Zocor in mid-March and felt better in 2 days. In early May, I developed a sinus infection and was prescribed Keflex, which didn't help. My doc called in a prescription for doxycyline and the sinus infection still wasn't getting better so I called my doc again.
This time he called in 10 days of Levaquin, 500 mg. After about 4 days, I started to feel soreness in my arms and around some joints, elbows, shoulders, and knees. It turns out that antibiotics in the class called fluoroquolones (which are in the cipro family) can cause rhabdomyolysis (breakdown of muscle tissue), neuopothy, and many other side effects.
Has anyone had a similar reaction of muscle and joint pains that came from taking this type of antibiotic? It has been almost a week since I finished the Levaquin, but the pains are still here. I have read that some of these side effects associated with the "Floxins" are irreversible.
Any comments? Thanks