What To Do??????

A forum to discuss personal experiences and share information on statins and other cholesterol lowering drugs.

What To Do??????

Postby hurting » Tue Jun 19, 2007 10:54 pm

So here I am - had quad bypass one year ago (needed or not). Was doing just fine - taking Lisinopril and Toprol and a natural called Athechel with MSM and EDTA and Tumeric and Garlic. Then check up Doctor said to do an angiogram and check things out. This resulted in severe leg pain. Was put on Crestor and pain got worse - couldn't even walk. Doctor said do angioplasty for right leg but put stents in abdomen instead. Then Plavix. Now both legs hurt all the time and am starting to have numb hands and feet. Look like I'm pregnant but am not. And moody and irritated all the time - not normal. Doctor now wants to do angioplasty on abdomen because one stent is closing up and do legs at the same time. Question - are doctors using the side effects of these drugs to warrant procedures? I went off the Crestor a while back and then back on the see if that was what was making me swell up. Sure enough I am an absolute mess. I am woman 60 and have always been very active. Have decided to not do another procedure - off Crestor - back on Athechel and friend told me about 3-6-9 Fish Oil and Flax and white grape juice. Any advice out there. Are these drugs causing permanent muscle loss or can it be corrected. Also I used to take 1000mg Blue Green Algae every day but forgot about it after surgery. Seems I forgot a lot of things after the surgery. Can the mitochondria be renewed? Sure hope so. Would love to hear from you!!!!!
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Postby JL » Wed Jun 20, 2007 7:27 am

Just letting you know that statins (like Crestor) can cause severe muscle loss, severe memory loss, congestive heart failure, and lots of bad stuff. The benefits are SMALL compared to the SIDE EFFECTS. CHOLESTEROL DOES NOT CAUSE HEART DISEASE and lowering cholesterol will make you SICKER. Tell your doctor to stop torturing you.
You should get opinions from other doctors before doing more stents.

Here is a supplement protocol that might help.
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Postby adec » Wed Jun 20, 2007 11:44 pm

Hi hurting, and welcome to the forum. I saw your message, and just wanted to dash off a quick response. Other forum members will be along to help more later.

First sorry to hear of your experiences with statins. I can empathize, as combined my mom and aunt developed all the known statin-related symptoms, and a few that aren't yet completely recognized. However, through proper supplementation they both have been able to recover 100 percent. That's the good news.

Firstly, fish oil is great! For your heart, arteries, and bones, I would also *most* recommend vitamin K2, specifically meanquinone-7. This will help lower your cholesterol, clean your arteries of calcium (and plaque,) and place this calcium where it belongs... in your bones.

*http://www.vitacost.com/Source-Naturals-Vitamin-K2 (supplement with an oil (e.g. fish, canola, olive etc.) to further help increase absorption)
*http://www.luckyvitamin.com/790011300014.html (better price than Vitacost)

To recover from statin damage due to CoQ10 depletion, I would heartily recommend supplementing with an all-in-one CoQ10 + Alpha Lipoic Acid + Acetyl L-Carnitine formul to help repair your mitochondria. This is the cheapest and highest quality combination available.


Use the coupon code WZ56ACB and receive and additional 5% off your Vitacost order. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask. And thanks for taking the time to share your experiences with statins, and good luck with your recovery.
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Postby Cat Mom2 » Thu Jun 21, 2007 12:09 pm

While researching Plavix for my friend yesterday what I found was shocking.. It does the same thing as asprin and costs 100 times more. Hummm.. Seems like a nice profit to me...

Yes, they give us these drugs and the make us sick and that keeps their offices full. I wish I had researched statins before I ever took my first one and I DO research any drug now before I take it.

You sound like the typical statin negative effects. If it were me I would get off of all drugs to see if I get better and need all that stuff done. If he is doing all that just based on the pain.. I definately would wait until I was off the stuff and decide thewn if I really need it all or not. Have they even done a ultrasound on your legs to see if you have any blocages?

These side effects keep their offices full and their fellow medical friends busy, linning everybody's pockets at your healths expense.. It has not even been proven that statin drugs do anything for women.
Cat Mom2
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Postby Cat Mom2 » Thu Jun 21, 2007 12:11 pm

Drats, I hit post instead of preview so forgive all the mistakes..
Cat Mom2
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What To Do??????

Postby hurting » Sat Jun 23, 2007 10:46 pm

Well - it has been just three days now off the Crestor second time and the pain in my arm is almost gone and my legs are returning to at least not constantly hurting. Can feel them tighten up after walking fast but not like they were. Today got a good CoQ10 and a really good 3-6-9 from Nordic Naturals so will start them tomarrow along with Vit C. Have been taking the Athechel chelation with EDTA and MSM and tumeric but now I remember it really messed with my stomach. Will report the results of this particular regime in a few days.

Yes I have had an ultrasound on my legs and my torso where the stents are. But I totally don't believe all this pain is coming from blockages. The doctors say blockage causes feet to turn blue and hurt - that is not what I am having. And I do believe the blockages anyway can be treated with a holistic approach. Will look into the Vit K.
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Postby Cat Mom2 » Mon Jun 25, 2007 12:04 pm

My friend was due to go in for a angiagram (spelling?) and "possiable stents" also. He is now starting to question this whole thing because of the medicines they are telling him he HAS to take NOW and the side effects of them. He keeps telling them he should not have to get sick to get better and they just do not care one bit about how these drugs are making him feel so bad.
Cat Mom2
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