Relief for my leg muscle pain!

A forum to discuss personal experiences of Muscle Pain associated with statin drug use.

Postby harley2ride » Tue Jul 25, 2006 11:37 am

I'm even more concerned about Dr. Campbell now. I emailed him and asked him about his background, credentials, and asked him some questions as to why links on his site didn't seem to relate to the subject. I also questioned him about that fact that much of his information is freely available on google. He got very defensive and threatening. I would be extremely concerned about following information (let alone paying for it), from someone who is afraid to discuss their background, credentials, and answer a few simple questions. You can follow his advice if you want, but I see warning flags here..... At the least, it seems as though he is charging you for information that has already been posted freely on google from other sources such as Dr. Linus Pauling and other freely available medical studies. I would never tell you to disregard his information, but I would advise spending a bit of time doing your own research on google, and perhaps you will find better information directly from regarded medical sources.
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Postby Tia » Sat Aug 12, 2006 12:48 pm

As far as I know, J. Campbell is not a DR. I have his book (it is really more like a home photocopied booket of 15 pages) not anything compared to Dr. Graveline's. On the book he is listed as a health consultant. I have been using the vitamins he suggests and it is a lot more then Dr. Graveline's. I found a lot of the vitamins that he recommends is actually found in the protein powder drink my husband uses for body building. So I make smoothies with them and it does seem to help. Maybe try that for a bit....very cheap for a huge tub. I will be getting my test results back and I will see if his suggestions of vitamins for lowering choresterol work. He suggests lots of Vit. C (up to 6000 a day), take it slow, you will have runny bowel movements if you take too much too fast. I do think he is running it as a business, and I can understand that, and for the amount he charged, it was worth it to me......I am already paying over $400 in vitamins and now for my family of 3 my insurance has just gone over $30,000 a year, so what is another $25! Funny that I pay that much in insurance only to find out the Dr. I was seeing, caused me more damage then good!!! And good luck trying to sue a Dr. for malpractice in the States!!! Today I wrote CNN's Dr. Gupta and asked if he would do a show on Statins...I will see if I get a reply. I think we should all contact newspapers, radio, tv anyone who will get the word out. I don't know what hope we have in getting better, to much denial going on, but maybe we can save some one else from our personal hell.
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this will help you

Postby adam123 » Thu Aug 24, 2006 1:37 am

Hyland's Arthritis Pain Formula is a traditional homeopathic formula for the relief of symptoms of pain in joints associated with minor arthritis symptoms. Also indicated for minor muscular pain associated with over-exertion, especially in back and neck. Working without contraindications or side effects, Hyland's Arthritis Pain Formula stimulates your body's natural healing response to relieve symptoms. Hyland's Arthritis Pain Formula can be used in conjunction with other medications. Natural relief for minor muscle and joint pain.
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Liver Cleansing

Postby Tia » Mon Aug 28, 2006 11:40 am

I went to my new Dr. the other day, my cholestral has gone down from 307 to 230 on the vitimans, but my LDL is still high at 160, but down from 205. So it is a start. They also offered to put me back on a Statin. I nearly took her head off. I had just finished telling her, I can't walk more then an hour a day!!! What is up with these people. A friend of mine suggested a liver cleans by a Dr. Foster, who is an MD, but got into the herbs for her own health. I wrote her and asked what she would recommend. She said she has had a few Statin victims call her. She suggested just the liver clease to remove the toxins. I just finished this week. It takes 5 days, be forwarned no drinking the spirits during this cleans. It cost 80$ american and it is good for two cleansings. I lost 7 pounds (and I have tried to lose that for the last 5 months) and was not hungry at all. No meat, fish or dairy. She supplies everything you need, except the fresh ginger. The Dr. told me to expect the pain to come back a little more during this time, because it is getting the bad stuff out of my body. And pain did come back a bit stronger for a couple of days. I could stay on the Q-10 and Carnitine during this period. I worked all week. I would recommend a week of no functions or luncheons when doing it. Most of the "cleansing" happened first thing in the morning. Without being too graphic, a lot of old stuff does come out. And this is graphic, some of my gel caps came out, that were not opened!!! What does that say?? I am thinking powder forms might be better?! I feel good today, different...I still feel some pain, but not as sharp, if that makes sense. I plan to do another after the long weekend. It can't hurt me and as mentioned I feel better....even if it is 5%, it is worth it to me. And the price at this site is a third at others. My girlfriend found this because she had stones and she was told she needed an operation. Now she will not have to have one. It is up to you guys, if you want to try, [] . I will update after the next. It just makes sense to me that this would be helpful! Wishing a good weekend to all.
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Postby Tia » Fri Nov 17, 2006 8:48 am

Here is an update since the last message I left. Today, I am only taking one of my doses of vit. a day now compared to the 5-6 (2000 L-carnitine and 2000mg of coQ1o daily) I was doing before. I have done 4 liver cleansings in the last two months and I feel that I am about 90% better. Today I am wearing high heels....I have not done that for over a year! I highly recommend the detoxing of the body. The site I went too was []......I am not selling for her, you can find out about cleansings at any health food store. I was just recommended to this one through a friend and I liked the fact that she has worked with others with Statin reactions, plus she is a medical Dr. also was a bonus. I was on Vytorin for a year and a half. I had been off of it for 5 months. I must warn you though, during the cleansings the pain does come back, because it is moving the toxins around, but after the cleansing you will notice a change. I also, had more energy and you will also drop a few pounds mostly around the waist. I hope everyone has a good day.
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Relief for my muscle pain

Postby PAD » Fri Jun 29, 2007 3:01 pm

The CK test is what I need to ask for to see if my leg pain is from the Vytorin and not diabetic neuropathy or RLS? Is there any other test that needs to be done? I have been off the statins for about six weeks and still have the pain. It did seem to get better for a short while and then returned and seems to be worse. I have had a nerve conduction study that showed slight damage, so my GP thinks this is what it is. I am on Lyrica and and anti-inflamentory for arthritis (SP?) in my hips and knees. Nothing I am taking seems to work. (except a 5 mg Lortab 3 or 4 times a day) It is very hard to pin point the cause of the pain. I see the GP on July 3 and the Arthritis dr on the 5th (he wants to do a bone density study). I am taking way too many meds and really want to get to the bottom of this. Any advise out there?
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Postby Ray Holder » Fri Jun 29, 2007 3:52 pm

The CK test may or may not show a high result, mine was about 3 times normal, but it is not always so. Some carnitine supplement could bring quite swift relief, as it has to many, and some Q10 is probably advisable to help with any other damage the statins have done, sometimes permanent, and not going away when you cease taking them.

Watch your sugar level carefully if you take Q10, as it can improve your sugar handling capacity and you may need to reduce any medication which you may take for that, but that is all to the good, as long as you monitor it carefully.
The supplements are not drugs, but necessary bodily substances which statins deplete.

In haste
Ray Holder
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Postby PAD » Fri Jun 29, 2007 4:45 pm

Well, thanks Ray. That explains the drop in sugar level. I thought my Avandia was kicking butt. I have been taking the Q10 and other recommend supplements since I stopped the Vytorin. But my GP had also changed me to Avandia in Jan. It may be both, but my sugar level has never been better. I keep a close watch on it. I also just got the carnitine a couple of days ago. Maybe it will help. I know he is not going to like me asking for the CK test. Because last Aug. I asked him if the pain could be coming from the statins and the blunt answer was NO...Now that I know more I'm just going to request the test to "make me feel better".. How does that sound? Pat [/url]
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More test

Postby poohhel » Tue Jul 03, 2007 2:45 am

Today I went for the doppler study and ABI test to check my blood flow in my lower extremeties ... and everything was withon normal levels so I am back to the drawing board trying to figure out what is causing this constant stabbing, burning, and numbing in my legs, feet, and toes. Next are blood test, to check blood proteins and a few other things, and a catscan of my legs and feet.

Of course, my neurologist still stands by the 5 pinched nerves, but then on the other hand does not believe the pinched nerves are fully at fault since it becomes so unbearable at times especially during activity. I have been doing physical therapy 3 times a week, which is a real burden since it takes 2 hours each time, and I don't think it is doing anything. I have not noticed any differences.

I have had major swelling in my ankles and feet, to the point I can even get shoes on... so my cardiologist prescribed Lasix... does anyone have any experience with this drug? I am very hesitant to take it since reading the side effects... specifically the part that said "tell your doctor if you notice any muscle pain or weakness" ... Huh Duh, that is my problem now, so what more damage could this drug cause. I am worried about that.

oh well I am trying to keep a positive outlook, but almost 4 months since quitting statins and still no relief, I am beginning to give up. All this BS is gonna drive me back to smoking... at least if I am gonna be in pain I can bury my grief in smoke.
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Postby SusieO » Tue Jul 03, 2007 7:44 am

Pooh be very careful with the Lasix - it is a very strong diuretic!!! My legs were in the same shape about 3 years ago - it took a LONG TIME for the swelling and pain to subside. I had the same tests with normal results.

Remember this is my personal opinion, but I would not go to Physical Therapy right now - your muscles need time to REST not be exercised anymore.

It will be 4 years this October I am off Lipitor and I still have problems, but the worst only comes when I over do it i.e. I can't walk more than an hour for shopping max and some days I am lucky to make it to the grocery for a 10 minute trip or anything like that and I am back with weakness and pain for a good day.

The only time my legs swell is when the humidity gets real high or I travel i.e. then they get very sore and swell if I don't rest them enough and move around.

This is a very complex problem that for some never goes away, but does get better to some extent.

I took control over what I now put in to my body as far as meds go and also with exercise...stop and think before you take that Lasix and do lots of research.
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Postby poohhel » Tue Jul 03, 2007 12:46 pm

[quote="SusieO"]Pooh be very careful with the Lasix - it is a very strong diuretic!!! My legs were in the same shape about 3 years ago - it took a LONG TIME for the swelling and pain to subside. I had the same tests with normal results.

Remember this is my personal opinion, but I would not go to Physical Therapy right now - your muscles need time to REST not be exercised anymore.

It will be 4 years this October I am off Lipitor and I still have problems, but the worst only comes when I over do it i.e. I can't walk more than an hour for shopping max and some days I am lucky to make it to the grocery for a 10 minute trip or anything like that and I am back with weakness and pain for a good day.

The only time my legs swell is when the humidity gets real high or I travel i.e. then they get very sore and swell if I don't rest them enough and move around.

This is a very complex problem that for some never goes away, but does get better to some extent.

I took control over what I now put in to my body as far as meds go and also with exercise...stop and think before you take that Lasix and do lots of research.[/quote]

Susie O: I am very weary of the Lasix, because I did do some research and it didn't appear to be enlightening only scary. My doctors insist that I need physical therapy to fix the issue with the pinched nerves in my neck and lower back... the therapy is not that intense just some simple stretching. I only have a couple visits left anyway and then it will be stopped, but overall it has not made my condition any worse. I do hope I am one of the people that can put all this behind me some day... and I wish the same for you.
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