statins cause, ED, and destry libido

A forum to discuss personal experiences and share information on statins and other cholesterol lowering drugs.

statins cause, ED, and destry libido

Postby statinsruinlibido » Mon Jul 02, 2007 1:04 pm

I wanted to write this message in hopes that another couple will be spared the heartache and stress that my husband and I were caused by him taking crestor. He had been on crestor for 1 & 1/2 years, he is 32 yrs old. After about 4 months his sex drive dropped off, his erections were not as firm. I then became pregnant. During my pregnancy his sex drive was completely gone. I Mean GONE! Of course I thought it was me, pregnant and not attractive and fat. I was depressed, and cried all the time. He kept saying he was tired working so much, etc. Then I had the baby and after a few weeks I was ready to restart the sex. he said that there was a problem, that he had no interest in sex but said that it wasnt me. I didnot believe him. We researched everything about low libido. We went to couples counselling, I went to counselling, we tried everything. I was at my wits end, I loved him so much but did not want to spend the rest of my life in a sexless marriage at 31 yrs of age. Then we ran across an article on the internet about crestor and low libido and ED. He stopped taking the drug cold turkey and 6 days later, I seduced him with an unbelievable response. He was Horny! and fully erect! He says that he is back to normal after only 1 week. Please stop taking statins if this is happening to you! See a herbalist, and nutritionist and find other alternative medicines to treat your cholesteral with diet etc. It is just not worth it! Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. *
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Joined: Mon Jul 02, 2007 12:25 pm

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