A forum to discuss personal experiences and share information on statins and other cholesterol lowering drugs.


Postby Joanne Mueller » Sat Feb 04, 2006 3:07 am

To All: I have two grandsons who were diagnosed with rare immune deficiencies. Stories are "very long" but their problems -- we were told they may develop Leukemia -- led me to discover they were sleeping next to bedroom walls opposite electric meters.

The reason my information re electric meters is "vital," has to do with information contained in Dr. Graveline's book and on his website -- particularly re Co-Q-10 depletion as result of taking statins.

EMF (electromagnetic fields) and EMR (electromagnetic radiation) ALSO depletes Co-Q-10 when persons are sleeping close to electric appliances/devices/meters such as, but not limited too, electric clocks, electric clock radios, monitors, fans, air purifiers, various telephone equipment including the power supply boxes for cordless phones, etc.

There is evidence that the effects of many substances -- even including large amounts of Vitamin C may actually work against a person and become free radicals depending upon the amount of chronic, prolonged EMF/EMR exposure one is subjected to, particularly at night.

This opens up the possibility that the effects of many medications may be reduced or enhanced by such exposures. Since statins are known to reduce levels of vital Co-Q-10 AND since EMR/EMR "chronic prolonged exposures even at low levels" also reduce Co-Q-10 levels, the combined results have the potential of being particularly harmful.

I always say, "the evidence indicates a person can suffer everything from poor sleep all the way to cancer" from sleeping in close proximity to electrical items. The 2002 California EMF Report found a connection to brain cancer, Leukemia, Lou Gehrig's Disease/ALS and miscarriage to levels as low as 4.0 milligauss. From my 15 years of research, I find that "inflammation" is responsible for every health problem and evidence seems to confirm that whatever promotes one health problem, has the potential of promoting every other health problem -- depending upon many variables such as genetic predisposition, diet, exercise, vitamins, etc., toxic exposures, and as is indicated by overwheming numbers of reports, medications, and particularly "statins."

My husband has "loosely been diagnosed with Alzheimers." Initially the diagnosis was "profound and unusual memory loss" with none of the tests offering another explanation. UNTIL, that is, I happened to check the web for possible "adverse effects of statins" and found Dr. Graveline's excellent reviews/reports on dangers of statins.

Ironically, in spite of all of my years of EMF/EMR research (as a non-expert), Bud still had an electric clock radio on his nightstand.

The Lipitor was discontinued at my insistence -- the neurologist now denies he agreed with me -- the Internist looks at me like "I am crazy" and I moved the electric clock radio across the room.

The next neuropsych tests indicated "improvement." A year later, the next round of tests indicated Bud's condition remains the same. The neurologist states "you are doing better than I am...."

The neurologist held a meeting about two years ago where he recommended various supplements. We both had been taking Omega 3, Co-Q-10, B-complex, folic acid and several other vitamins and supplements prior to stopping Lipitor and moving the clock radio and remain on those items plus more.

Bud's liver tests we recently learned were not normal afterall. Bud also wasn't able to go on walks/hikes for many years. We now enjoy hikes on a nearby park trails for an hour or more.

It is possible Bud's short term memory problems will never improve. I also started him on Melatonin (before bed) around the same time I moved the clock radio. I am not able to say whether the Melatonin, moving the clock radio or stopping the Lipitor or a combination, are the reason(s) he no longer wakes up in a state of confusion. He has also stopped having hallucinations and/or delusions. He periodically would say neighbors wanted him to cut all his trees down or he was supposed to go over and rake leaves in neighbor's yards, etc. He used "more dramatic terms" to describe the perceived threats.......

Bud continues to drive the car to convenience store several blocks away every morning for his favorite "cappuccino." Not the greatest for lowering cholesterol! We concentrate on antioxidants to reduce "inflammation" and don't worry about his cholesterol level. He will be 73 years old in March. Thanks to Dr. Graveline, I had the courage to "stand-up to the doctors!!!"

Regarding myself -- I told my cardiologist when he insisted I once again try some sort of statin -- I have tried many in the past and ended up in the ER and overnight stays on Pravachol and one other statin -- that "I consider it a Gift from God that I was never able to take statins!!!" I suffered terrible pains in my groin from Lipitor and several other statins and refused to try again.

I do not have much time to devote to checking message boards and/or to post but would be glad to provide additional information if you care to email me directly. I currently in draft stages of a book on EMF's and inflammation which will be co-written by a professor at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden. Take care - Joanne Mueller jcmpelican@aol.com
Joanne Mueller
Posts: 4
Joined: Sat Oct 15, 2005 12:28 am
Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota

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