by Biologist » Tue Jul 17, 2007 10:09 am
That was a good find of a video. Thanks.
I also watched this one which was listed on the same "page" as your video, and it too was good.
The guy mentions drinking non-chlorinated water. Probably a good idea for statin damaged people. I am as sensitive as anyone to energy concerns with hydrocarbon abuse with the plastic bottles, etc, but I may start drinking bottled water for some time to come, and I recommend everyone here consider doing the same. Chlorination is to kill bacteria. Our cellular bacteria-based mitochondria (yes, I've been reading the book you suggested, it's good) probably could use a break more so than most people's. I keep an aquarium or two with tropical fish. The fish don't like it either -- it can hurt or kill them. Everyone else can drink from the tap, we probably should not if there is chlorine or such residues in our local tap water. Just something to think about.
Reading another book recently I was thinking about your mentioning that you are or were constantly thirsty and that you have or had a weight problem. If you haven't recently, you may want to get hour blood sugar levels checked to rule out possible pre-diabetes. That combination of symptoms you cite can be an indicator apparently. (My guess is that you have already had that checked.) When I was trying to figure out what the hell was wrong with me a couple of years ago -- why I had such little energy and was sweating at temperatures where others were not -- I bought a blood glucose meter and monitored mine for a while. I was OK. Wish I had thought of statins as being the possible cause. It sure was. (Oh, and it caused the semi-ED for me too, as the guy cites in Brian's video.) I was a devoted statin junkie at the time having thoroughly bought into the multibillion dollar propaganda campaign so it never even crossed my mind that it could be the culprit. The lying bastards sure got me...
Gatta love this. Right from the bottle label on Lipitor (from one of my recent books):
"Important information: ...Lipitor has not been shown to
prevent heart disease or heart attacks."
Hell, these doctors don't even read the labels, let alone the package inserts! And you might expect that would be a minimum effort. You would hope they might actually read the studies because as fraudulent as they are, there is still some truth that leaks thorough -- such as showing stains are useless when the numbers are carefully examined. Like statins, our doctors are worse than worthless. In my case and your case, we had to go to the doctor to get sick. How insane is that?! But you got to give it to the drug company lawyers. Sounds like they've got themselves covered pretty well as far efficacy concerns are concerned. Hell, its right on the bottle!
BTW, here's a quote from one of my books that some may find of interest:
"Total cholesterol levels of 400 mg/dL appear safer than
total cholesterol levels of 188 mg/dL or lower. In 2003,
the Journal of American Geriatrics Society published the
findings of researchers Brescianini and colleagues.
Studying the total cholesterol levels of 3,295 participants
aged 65-84 over a 4-year period, they concluded that
those with low cholesterol levels (less than 189 mg/dL)
are at higher risk of dying even when many related factors
have been taken into account. Having total cholesterol
levels from 276 to 417 mg/dL was better suited for longevity
relative to having a total cholesterol level less than
189 mg/dL."
Big Pharma may need their good lawyers for Nuremberg II in the future. I hope we all get a front row seats...