Hi izzy007 and welcome to the forum. I hope you continue to read, post, and share your statin recovery story with us. Many of your husband's symptoms are indeed recognized, inside and outside this forum, as side effects of statin poisoning. It seems especially men can manifest aggressive behavioral changes and an intolerance to alcohol. In fact, the details of your husband's story are almost identical to one shared earlier this year.
......."He was given Vytorin. Well,.................. This past weekend I watched in total horror as something VERY STRANGE happen to him. My husband is a very calm, easy going type of man. I watched this past weekend as my husband became SOMEONE ELSE.... THAT WAS NOT MY HUSBAND!! I am totally blaming the Vytorin now that I have been to this website and have read the comments. I watched in horror as this man sadly turned on me for no apparent reason in a fit of rage while driving!! He said horrible things to me and has NO MEMORY of it when we FINALLY were able to TALK!!!!! I have noticed other memory loss issues in him when he used to have the BEST memory for a human being. This man could remember things, people and conversations that happened 15 years ago before we were married as friends. Now.... Now he suddenly forgets conversations, names of people he has worked with for 26 years mid sentence. Has no energy, complains of being tired all the time but CANNOT sleep like he used to. He lately gets slightly aggressive to me and he NEVER used to do that. He seems depressed and almost like he is someone else or somewhere else at times. He has mentioned that he cannot remember to do simple tasks suddenly at work and then "boom"... It returns! He has complained of sore muscles and tendons. He appears to be loosing muscle mass to me in his arms. He never used to have these issues before Vytorin 10/40. We are very close as a newly married couple and practically still newlyweds. However, there are some mentioned other issues I won't talk about too. My husband is an intelligent man with outstanding training in his career field. I fear for his well being now....."
Perhaps you reading Degirl's account -- unfolding eventually toward a happy resolution -- might help somewhat.
It was titled "Vytorin 10/40 - Is it taking my husband away from me???"
http://www.spacedoc.net/board/viewtopic ... highlight=
I would definitely second the recommendation of CoQ10 and acetyl L-carnitine as the foundation of your husband's recovery. CoQ10 is a naturally-occurring enzyme found in every cell of the human body, and is responsible for mitochondrial energy formation. Statins such as Vytorin have been well-established to rapidly deplete CoQ10. As well, alpha lipoic acid would help mop up free radicals caused by such a regimen. You can find a complete formula at Vitacost for a very reasonable price. If you decide to make this purchase be sure to administer the supplement with an oil (olive, canola, peanut, vegetable, fish etc.) to assist with its full bioavailability and absorption.
As a sleeping aid, I would recommend a natural remedy that is so much more beneficial, safe, and effective. Melatonin is a naturally occurring sleep hormone produced in the pineal gland. 5-HTP is produced by our bodies from the amino-acid L-tryptophan, and is a precursor to serotonin. Serotonin is responsible for helping to regulate deep sleep states, and pain levels. I would suggest 3mg daily of melatonin before bedtime, preferably a slow release formula. And 25-100mg of 5-HTP taken sometime during the day, depending on your husband's tolerance. What a travesty that a doctor wouldn't at least suggest these two over prescription medications.
Otherwise, probably the best compendium of statin side-effect information on the Internet can be found at this very site.
Any further questions, feel free to ask. And good luck.