Post your recovery success story

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Post your recovery success story

Postby djk0811 » Wed Sep 26, 2007 7:35 pm

Hello; this is my first post and I hope to hear some good news. I had been on Vytorin and Synthroid for about 80 days and had numerous side effects. After running across this web-site I have taken myself off both and am starting to feel a little better. My Synthroid dosage was wrong and I am now hyperthyroid and feeling all the side-effects of that. I am having a horrible time with depression and anxiety.

After reading some of the post's here I was hoping people could share some of the good news of recovery. I know it sounds strange but I am looking for a reason to hope and have faith in some form of recovery. Those of you fighting the mental as well as physical battle will understand that Hope is a powerful drug.

I am a 42 year old male is pretty good shape. I have not had the will or strength to go to the gym this month. My symptoms are mostly muscle soreness and stiffness in my shins and forearms. My anxiety and hyperthyroid give me the shakes from time to time and that just sents be down into a deeper depression.

Please tell me your good news and how to beat these pains.
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Location: Insurance

Postby cjbrooksjc » Thu Sep 27, 2007 12:56 pm

djk: I'm confuse as to how you can go from hypo to hyper Thyroid. Then again, I'm confused by a great many things. Anyway, if you return to the hypo condition use Armour thyroid - it's a natural and older med for this problem and addresses both additional hormone supply AND parathyroid production encouragement. Synthroid addresses the hormone supply only.

As for your other conditions: Statins seem to generate depression symptoms. Getting off them should get you back to what is normal for you. Use the CoQ10 and Acetly L-Carnitine as suggested in this forum and avoid the gym for a while to give your body time to recover; then reintroduce your regimen a bit at a time - don't over-exert. When you are Statin sensitive and affected, exercise can do your muscles some serious harm. 600 Mg Q10 and one gram of ALC in split doses throughout the day should serve you well.

Good luck,

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Postby Linda W » Thu Sep 27, 2007 3:36 pm

Go to the Vytorin messages and look at the thread from DEGirl, the link is it looks like it took about 2 months for life to get back close to normal for her husband from the mental effects of Vytorin. My husband has sunk into depression and anxiety recently and I suggested he stop the Vytorin a couple days ago. He said this morning he thinks he is losing his mind.

The reports on weakness and pain recovery are pretty varied from what I see but suppliments seem to help there. My husband was on most of the recommended suppliments after a wellness program he took at the Cooper Clinic and hasn't had as much trouble with weakness and pain yet. Keep reading all the posts and you will find some happy stories.
Linda W
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Back from the doc...

Postby djk0811 » Fri Sep 28, 2007 6:44 pm

Well, I saw my doc yesterday. My doc was out so I saw his stand-in. This was the first visit after starting the Vytorin. My numbers were way down so all looked good. One weird thing was that my blood sugar went up. I complained about the pains and he immediatly knew it was the Vytorin. I explained I was stopping the medication and he had no problem with it. He told me that he seldom puts his patients on statins unless they have not responded to any other treatment as he was very aware of the side effects. I wish I had met him before going on this drug...

I was only on the Vytorin for less than 90 days and have been off 7 days now. Each day I see more and more improvement. The doc thinks it should take 1 to 2 months but expects a full recovery. I told him about the CQ10, Fish Oil and L-Caritine and he fully supports this approach.

I quess the best thing to do is stay possitive and work hard for recovery.
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Location: Insurance

Postby cjbrooksjc » Sat Sep 29, 2007 4:27 pm

djk: You are fortunate to have found a Dr who recognizes the problem or even admits to the possibility of Statins causing our unhappy conditions. Give him the website addr and let him read about this at his leisure. I wish you a full recovery; given your short medication duration, I'm sure you will feel better soon.


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anxiety and depression

Postby bunnylady » Sat Nov 03, 2007 2:43 pm

I was on Lipitor for 14 months and Crestor for 3 days- the Crestor did more damage in 3 days than the Lipitor did- its now been 12 months and I have developed tinnuitis and a torn ligament (even though I can't exercise) since being off the statins- I don't know if I'll ever get better

I take Paxil for depression and Trazadone for helping me to sleep and it combats anxiety- mentally I feel up and normal

if you can hit a jacuzzi do so often- it helps mentally and physically and get a monthly massage or more often if need be

take all the supplements every DAY
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Joined: Tue Jun 06, 2006 11:49 pm

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