Read my story of healing - Lipitor won't take my life!

A message board to discuss personal experiences of Lipitor and its effects.

Read my story of healing - Lipitor won't take my life!

Postby SusieO » Thu Oct 11, 2007 1:25 pm

I have traded in my cane for a new pair of walking shoes and I walk 2.4 miles everyday with no pain or muscle weakness!

Here I am the person who 3 years ago, on this same date, was barely able to move a muscle without extreme pain and weakness from taking Lipitor and now I am walking 2.4 miles a day and plan to add a mile on next week. I have been on this board long enough for you to know I was against taking supplements for fear I would not be able to tolerate them (as I tried many times and always seemed to have an adverse reaction).

Well, I have found what I feel is a miracle and nothing short of that in my opinion. For almost two months I have watched my body change from a weak, sore, depressed and helpless “thing” to a working machine that has life, looks forward to the future, has energy to walk and clean and shop like I have not had in many years and never thought I’d see or be able to do ever again.

I am not a commercial for any one person or product – I am not being paid to tell you my story – I am doing this in hopes of someone else on this board being able to feel like I do and have their life back again. I waited two months to post this because I was very skeptical at first that “tomorrow I would be back to my old weak self”, but so far that tomorrow has not arrived and I feel it never will arrive.

My miracle cure consists of several different treatments: first off I invited a lady to my home that is well educated in EFT = Emotional Freedom Techniques and Quantum Touch. In just two short visits of one hour each she had me up and walking with no pain or weakness. I have the websites in my “favorites” if you are interested – I just don’t want to post them here for fear someone may think I am being paid to tell you this.

My next course of treatment began that same day in August – yet I had no idea it would totally change my life, either. I went to see a doctor in my city that is a Chiropractor who also specializes in holistic wellness. Again, if you would like his website site for further information please just ask I am happy to share it with you.

I see this doctor 2 times a week for 1.5 hours each visit. For an hour he does many different types of chiropractic treatments as well as holistic forms of healing that have all given my body so much more strength and stamina. He looks at your body, your mind and your soul and allows the body to heal itself. After the one hour treatment I relax in a warm foot bath to remove the toxins and I listen to relaxation tapes that have a subliminal message of different topics each time.

In the very beginning I was given a hair analysis test as well as I was tested for weaknesses to my prescription meds and to other things – he tested all of my organs, too. It is hard to explain, but in the end I found out my body was in dire need of many supplements that modern medicine seem to not care about. I was in such bad shape that my muscles were eating themselves to get enough protein (this is called protein catabolism).

All the supplements he has given me are natural (you can read about them on the Nutri West site) and I am taking over 20 different supplements between 1 to 3 times a day and have not had one bad reaction to even the ones that contain Niacin that in the past made me so weak.

I feel like my life has been given back to me and now I plan to do the most I can each and every day because until you get that strength back you have no idea how good it truly feels and you don’t want to ever give that up again. All I can do is say please read this and give it a try…I am not sure if this would work for everyone, but it has worked for me and I thank God! I am able to cut back on my heart meds to every other day and I hope to be able to be prescription drug free down the road.

My husband is also seeing this doctor because he has many allergy/sinus/asthma problems and we found out they are mainly being caused by the many different drugs he was given to “help” his problems as well as from toxins in and around us i.e. he has too much aluminum, copper and lead in his body that he needs to get rid of by more sensible eating ,taking supplements and the detox foot baths.

None of this is covered by insurance which is truly sad…they will pay thousands of dollars for meds and tests that made me worse, but they won’t pay a penny for something that has given me my life back. We have made cut backs in our lifestyle, but it is well worth it to feel like I want to live again!

Again, if I am able to help one other person to feel well again, by sharing what has worked for me, I will be so happy!
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Postby carbuffmom » Fri Oct 12, 2007 8:35 am

Hi Susie:

I would be interested in any info you can pass along. My email is Thanks, Deb
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Postby adec » Fri Oct 12, 2007 10:30 am

"I feel like my life has been given back to me and now I plan to do the most I can each and every day because until you get that strength back you have no idea how good it truly feels and you don’t want to ever give that up again."

Only someone who has witnessed statin-induced damages firsthand can truly appreciate these words. I no longer take even the most basic things for granted. I am so thrilled to hear you've found a solution that works for you. I'm hoping eventually this would allow you to use those supplements proven to work without any further sides.

For your husband's detoxification, I would check out the very simple yet extremely effective rice bran extract, or IP6 inositol hexaphosphate. It should be taken on an empty stomach.

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Postby SusieO » Fri Oct 12, 2007 11:06 am

Deb I sent you an email and I pray it works for you!

Adec; it is the best feeling in the world to have my life back. As of today I walked 12 miles in 5 days with no pain!!! It is unbelievable and when I get home I don't crash and burn I keep going until 10 p.m. at night with things to do and I sleep well and get up to walk again!

I really can't give enough thanks to the two people who have helped me as well as the man up above watching over me!
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Postby SusieO » Wed Oct 31, 2007 7:17 pm

Yesterday was a full two months since my life was given back to me. Have I had one day of muscle pain or weakness - NO!!! :D

Every day I walk 2.5 miles and tomorrow I plan on upping my length until I reach my goal of 3.5 miles a day.

My problems with being chronically tired are gone - I have so much energy it is unbelievable.

I have stopped taking one heart med and only take half of the other one. I no longer need to take Ativan for anxiety or panic attacks. The implants I needed for my hormones to stay in some type of sync are a thing of the past.

My tripping and walking in to walls happens no more. I still have a bit of a problem with my memory, but it is slowly improving each day.

I am going to have blood tests in early December to have my cholesterol and triglycerides checked. I have every reason to believe they will have fallen dramatically into the normal range.

My blood pressure no longer is a problem I must deal with - it now stays nice and normal.

I still see my new doctor 2 times a week (1.5 hours per visit) and will continue to do so through December and then down to one visit per week (1.5 hours per visit). I will be re-evaluated at this time to see if my needs for supplements have changed.

I realize we all have our ways of trying to get better, but I am really baffled at the fact only one person has asked me for information on my doctor and supplements. I am not trying to sell anything and I have nothing to gain - my only prayer is that you are able to heal and feel better!

I have a whole new lease on life and from my friends and family seeing me they say I am no longer the same person - much happier and stronger!
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Postby cjbrooksjc » Wed Oct 31, 2007 10:36 pm

Susie: Sorry, I thought I HAD asked for the information. I distinctly remember saying I would hang on to it until my recent trials are over, but I can't find any evidence of actually asking you to send it. Would you please? My email addr is in my profile. Thanks!

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Postby Brian C. » Thu Nov 01, 2007 3:45 am

Susie, I would also appreciate an email from you.

Your post is MOST encouraging.

Brian C.
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Postby SusieO » Thu Nov 01, 2007 8:08 am

Brooks and Brian - I emailed you this morning. I truly hope you are able to be healed as I have! Please let me and the board know if you seek help and how you feel. :D
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Postby uncle2blade » Thu Nov 01, 2007 8:52 am

I would be interested in any information you could give me. I couldn't find your Email here is mine
Thanks, Craig
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Postby Brian C. » Thu Nov 01, 2007 8:59 am

Email received. Thank you Susie.
I shall research and see if there are any practitioners in the UK

Brian C.
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Postby SusieO » Thu Nov 01, 2007 7:03 pm

I emailed you Craig and wish you all the best!

Brain I hope you can find someone in the UK to help you!
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Postby carbuffmom » Fri Nov 02, 2007 8:44 am

Hi Susie:

Can you re-email the info again? I have misplaced the info and would like to show it to my chiropractor to see if we can find someone in our area. I am sorry to be such a pain, but I sure appreciate your input. My email is Thanks so much.

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Postby SusieO » Fri Nov 02, 2007 11:33 am

Hi Deb - I just sent it to you again. I wish you all the best in finding someone in your area and feeling better real soon! :D
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Postby starfish » Fri Nov 02, 2007 12:47 pm

Hi Susie O,

Congrats on your recovery! I’m so happy to see that you have regained your life and energy back! Your post offers great encouragement that the rest of us could improve someday too.

Would you please be willing to post the information about your Dr. and your supplements or provide links in this forum? I think it could help many people, but they might be uncomfortable posting their email addresses in order to receive the info.

Thanks so much!
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Postby SusieO » Fri Nov 02, 2007 5:36 pm

Hi Starfish - I have changed my settings to allow my email address to be seen so anyone is free to contact me for the information.

At first there was not much response to my post so I was a bit hesitant on posting the links.

I am taking over 20 types of supplements - each person has to be tested to see what ones they need so what I am taking may not necessarily help the next person due to each of us having a unique chemistry.

I have stated in my first post that they come from Nutri West (you can Google that) and you can look online to see what they offer. Please keep in mind you are unable to order them you must see one of the doctors that offer the "6 Steps to Wellness" healing program that I am doing.

Here is the link to the main website, but you will have to do a google to find a chiropractic doctor near you that uses this healing approach or maybe call this clinic: ***

This is the link to the EFT site *** and here is the link for Quantum Touch ***

I hope this helps! :)

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Postby starfish » Sat Nov 03, 2007 2:33 pm

Thanks so much for sharing! :D
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Postby SusieO » Thu Dec 20, 2007 7:07 pm

Here is my December progress in healing update: A few weeks ago my Wellness doctor wanted me to start taking a Niacin supplement. Several of the supplements I am taking have some Niacin in them, so he thought I'd be ok.

I didn't feel right about taking it, but I thought I would give it a try. I took the Niacin for 3 days and had an awful reaction from Niacin overdose as well as the pain/weakness returning in my muscles.

The lady who does the Quantum Touch healing came here and after one session with her and some tapping for positive thoughts I am strong and able to walk 4 miles/day!

My doctor apologized for not wanting to listen to me. I sent him the link to Doc Graveline's site and he was so grateful. He put me on CoQ10 - 50mgs/2 times a day - supposed to a the most natural one out there.

I am still in the healing process - I do tire out after going all day long (but this beats not being able to walk much at all and be so tired) and I do have some pain/weakness, every now and then that still lingers from the Niacin bout, but to me it is nothing.

How long it will take to fully recover I have no idea, but I feel like I am at about 95% of being one healthy, happy and thankful person!

My body knows what is and isn't good for it and I have learned to do my best to listen to it and not to the doctors. My wellness doctor also knows now not to doubt me when I say "I don't think I should take this" because he had no idea of what real statin damage was until I pointed him in the direction of this site.

Thanks Doc Graveline for this wonderful site that is so very helpful! :D
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Postby hampton » Wed Feb 13, 2008 6:59 pm

Hello, I am new to this board.
Found it yesterday and am not certain how to express my surprise.

Been on lipitor since about 1986 in my early twenties and a newly wed then, going to college. My father had a heart attack in 1990/91 then lost lots of weight and passed away hours after having prostate surgery in 1992.
So I'm taking Lipitor like a good patient religiously every day, thinking that it is my insurance for a long healthy life.
I'm 5" 7' and weighed 150 lbs in 1985, excercised, swam walked and boated. Was a B-ball player and always strong as a horse.(refinishing furniture, painting and even laid tile in my house)
Slowly over time "joint pain' set in, always fatigued, but was going to school, getting a new and exciting job. Sat a lot at work. The pain continued. Sort of a creepy, achy pulling sort of thing. Since my liver values were good. It wasn't anything, then maybe inactivity, age or joint overuse.
Fast forward. In the early 90ties(30ties) I could do a task and then had to take a break, such as do the laundry, sit for a little while. Go to the store, sit a while. In the morning it was the absolute worst, began to have foot/back shoulder pain. Heat always helped. Somehow this decrepit body was able to get pregnant. Wow, even my husband was wondering if I could make it through pregnancy with all the pain I was in.
Became pregnant in 96. Went off Lipitor due to the pregnancy and guess what, still tired but felt great!!! No muscle pain no pulling nothing.
About 2 years after having a beautiful baby, back on the Lipitor. Somehow I never made the connection. The pain was back but then also NO LIBIDO, this in a loving 15 year relationship, blamed on the pregnancy and being a new parent.
No memory, blamed on the pregnancy and being so busy.
So on with the Lipitor. The pain and agony got worse and worse. Prescribed Mobic for arthritis. Then maybe fibromyalgia, dr. tells me go swim, take tylenol.
1 1/2 years ago I find myself in the emergency room due to a DVT and the Dr says: Do you drink? No, never. Well he says your liver values are through the roof, and very bad. Definitely no more Lipitor. Did well with the DVT and was told to start the Lipitor again 3 months later.
Oh, the pain in my hands, spine, ankles and feet was unbearable, the liver values through the roof again. Told to take a lower amount, not working. Then Zetia, stopped after 7 days due to pain. Then simvastatin, no liver value elevation, but lots of pain, even with just a crumb of a pill every other day.
I was so scared due to the heart disease risk in my family.
Lots of folks give advice, or feel free to make comments, such as if I just motivated myself more, or excercised more the pain would go away.
Even anti depressiva were offered and taken 10 years ago. The pain remained and had goofiness instead, nothing was fun or funny. Off the anti depressiva.
So here I am. As the good space doc described, hobbling around, gone is the athletic gait, the pain has lessened in the 1 1/2 years but my body is just in agony all the time. Walking stairs at work feels like my thighs are just half the muscle it used to be, lots of pain and effort.
I'm going to be 47 and feel like 60.

But my memory is back, and after taking a low dose of COQ10 for the last month..... Hello, there is Libido, where have I been? It was like a miracle . As if the switch was thrown and I am back where I left off so many years ago.

I feel angry and cheated and as if I was in prison for almost 20 years. Lucky my sweetheart waited for me until now.
I am so greatful for this website, that there just may be a chance to get my old life back, at least for a few good years.

I wrote down the recommendations of vitamins and supplements to take. I had my cholesterol levels taken yesterday.
223, not bad considering it has been as high as 280, off Lipitor.
I have some red rice yeast, but not certain how much to take.
So I'll take one a day and see if I get any pain.

Any assistance would be appreciated.
I am so glad I found this board.
Thank you, thank you for posting your info.

NOW I know it's not me or my fault
Last edited by hampton on Wed Feb 13, 2008 7:32 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby hampton » Wed Feb 13, 2008 7:01 pm

I apologize for the long post, but this has been on my mind all day since I read the space docs website yesterday and found this forum.

Promise to be brief next time.

Thank you!
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Joined: Tue Feb 12, 2008 6:29 pm

Postby Darrell » Wed Feb 13, 2008 8:10 pm

Hampton, I'm not sure what you were taking in your early 20's (1986) because I'm pretty sure that Lipitor wasn't introduced to the market until 1997. But no matter, it doesn't require 20 years to poison yourself with statins.

Red yeast rice a statin:
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