zocor effects

A forum to discuss personal experiences and share information on statins and other cholesterol lowering drugs.

zocor effects

Postby julsgood » Sun Nov 18, 2007 2:53 am

I have been following your forum for several months. I feel thankful to have found you early on.

I used Zocor for about 13 months. In July of this year the various minor symtoms that I had been experiencing all year cascaded into massive problems. I had had spinal surgery 14 years prior and had at that time experienced nerve problems, ie. tingling, deadness in my legs, pins and needles...etc.

Thinking that I might be having further spinal problems, I unfortunately ignored these symtoms in my right leg, always questioning why it was only one leg and not the other but confused.

Unfortunately, I also ignored the muscle pain in my calves and the increasing memory problems I was having. Now, I think the memory problems kept me from thinking straight enough to question the meds.

Early on, after perhaps 3-4 months on Zocor, I started having heart arrythmias that caused my heart to skip beats and lowered my heart rate. Stupidly, on the part of my doctor she did not associate the problems with the statins, and sent me to a cardiologist. Of course the symptoms came and went through the year and noone could figure....

By July, the symtoms all cascaded into full neuropathy that greatly weakened my legs, wobbily and weak in all extremeties. Quite scarey... I went off the Zoror immediately realizing it must be the drug and not my spine. ( no thanks to my doc who wanted me to go on Zetia instead)

I almost went out on disability as I am a teacher. Fortunately, I started doing research on the web. Have been on many supplements all of you have recommended. I am also a homeopath so I am taking ZOCOR potentized to reverse the symptoms. Actually my homeopath prescribed.

I am about 50% better and slowly getting better although I am still exercise intolerant except for moderate bike rides.

If you have not tried homeopathy you might ponder, It has helped reverse the symptoms as well as supplements. Thanks for all your forum support....

After three months, I calmed down enough to go back to my doc and explain what had happened. She acknowledged me, said my symptoms were severe, and unbelievably says approx. 40% of her patients on statins have various problems. I suspect even more as she did not associate my nerve issues with the statins. It did not seem to phase her enough to stop prescribing them..... Oh well.

I am going to try a new program for lowering cholesterol, It is on [www.balancepointhealth.com Let you know if it lowers my cholesterol significantly. Before Zocor it was around 300 so I need to work it down now that I am starting to feel better and rebound somewhat from this disaster.
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Postby cjbrooksjc » Sun Nov 18, 2007 2:22 pm

Juls: OK, first - congrats for getting off Zocor... but - I will NEVER put that stuff in my body again, even in a homeopathic reduction. And you need to have your Dr. run some tests on you to find out what sort of cholesterol you have and what density (compact or fluffy; fluffy is better). Also sign on to You Tube and search on 'cholesterol'; you will find a great many videos that imply cholesterol is not necessarily a problem for you. You can also use the SEARCH mechanism on this site and look for LDL, HDL, Oxidized LDL, etc. You need three things to intelligently approach your recovery: information, information, and information. I don't mean to sound trite; it was lack of information that got us all here.

Finally, our bodies naturally generate MORE cholesterol as they age, and cardiovascular events in "mature" people often present with LOW, not HIGH cholesterol levels. Stay well.


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Postby julsgood » Sun Nov 18, 2007 3:21 pm

Hi Brook:

thanks for your thoughts. I will look up more info you suggested. Isn;t the imflammation that is the culprit in high cholesterol?

As to the homeopathy. It is not a reduction ---what I am taking is the essence of Zocor. It has no molecular substance. It works on the principle that like cures like. match the symptoms it produces with the original substance or illness symptoms that produces the illness. I believe it is why I am recovering so quickly. My neuropathy three months ago was severe, to the point that I almost had to stop working. it is significantly better three months later.

I have been on the Zocor potentized for almost 5 weeks now. The potentized Zocor will do no harm and should significantly create a healing over time. Otherwise, I would be far worse from taking it......

I am working on moving up in prescription going from a 30C Zocor to a 200C Zocor and on. The higher the potenized Zocor the more it moves from its substance. THough at even at a 30 c there is no further molecular substance.

You should look into it. I trained for about 5 years as a homeopath and have seen in many people how it affects health issues. THe reason I studied it so many years was because it profoundly affected my health many years ago when I did have serious neurolgical issues from by spine

I had not thought about taking Zocor myself, my homeopath did. He told me he has seen many people who have had poisoning from the statins and usually starts with the abusing substance. Other remedies may follow. Homepathy remedies are often poisons that you would never take otherwise but match symptoms ie. Belladona, Arsenic. the list goes on and on.

It is done with ill effects from say, vaccinations. The actual abusing vaccination is given to produce a healing. This is not always the right remedy to start with, as many could be chosen. BUt it is sometimes the starting point.

Just a thought......

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Postby cjbrooksjc » Sun Nov 18, 2007 4:31 pm

Juls: Inflammation is the precipitate of arteriosclerosis, and the repair quality by the body's cholesterol to the resultant damage is the problem. The type of cholesterol you have dictates the quality of repair your body exhibits.

I know what homeopathy is. This particular (potentized) application used to mean a reduction of the solut involved to a miniscule representation; in suspension, and it has developed to mean a TOTAL ABSENSE of the solut; in this case, Zocor. That, to me, is complete nonsense. But, many a brilliant science has been initially called quackery, and many a miracle remains unexplained; so, who knows. Regardless, I wish you health!

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Postby julsgood » Sun Nov 18, 2007 5:35 pm


I know my cholesterol profile and have been following for a long time, prior to Zocor as well. I did not put all the numbers on board here, and it was not thorough to say I was merely trying to bring down my numbers by trying a new protocol diet. I understnad my risk factors with HDL, LDL, and pattern density and my lipoprotein levels. . The diet is geared to hep raising the HDL on Balance Point that I may try.

You spoke of building information.
I have done extensive searching on your web and outside websites. I also have seen the studies for women especially showing the protective qualities for cholesterol and the studies indicating low stats for heart disease in people with high cholesterol.

I realize that many of you on the web have infinite amount of info on this subject and I appreciate that.

I am sorry you are dismissive of homeopathy. My doctor is also a homeopath though I see a different homeopath for treatment. I suspect that may be why she is a bit more open to hearing about problems with statins. Also, I understand why many are dismissive. Homeopathy is counterintuitive and to some illogical to acknowledge.

As a forum I have seen a lot of info put up here that is helpful. I hope my experience and journey might be useful to some.

thanks and best wishes to you also. It is tragic all of us have to spend so much time and money attempting to recover our health after taking these drugs. I, as I hear many of you say am also furious.

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Postby cjbrooksjc » Sun Nov 18, 2007 6:00 pm

Juls: Yes, Juls, furious indeed. My journey took me 'out-of-network' to an osteopathic Dr. who was the first to site Statins as my (two year long) problem and in relatively short order (I'd say about 15 minutes). As for the homeopathic stratagem: I am simply not trusting of any form of medicine which can potentially sell a few grams of distilled water at exorbitant prices. I'm not saying that's happening to you; I'm saying the opportunity exists, I unable to recognize and expose a dishonest incursion, and that disturbs me.

I am getting better, and for me, that's the result of a formula promoted by this site and it's participants, and I won't toy with it. Sorry if I seemed unnecessarily aggressive. We have been visited by a few hucksters in the past, and that has made me mistrustful and perhaps overly-cautious. I did not mean to offend.


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Postby cjbrooksjc » Mon Nov 19, 2007 1:12 am

Juls: To be specific about the testing you should have done, let me include the text of one of our member's responses (adec):


I would have your doctor test you for these predictive risk factors. Total Cholesterol and LDL tell us absolutely ZERO about your health. However, there are now many labs which will run these tests:

+VLDL-C (Very Low Density Lipoprotein-Cholesterol) < 30 mg/dL
+VLDL1+2 (Large Buoyant, Better) < 20 mg/dL
+HDL2 (Largest, Most Protective HDL) > 15 mg/dL
+IDL (Intermediate Density Lipoprotein) < 30 mg/dL
+Lp(a) Cholesterol (Lipoprotein-a) <10 mg/dL
+ hs-CRP (High Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein) <1.0 mg/L
+ Homocysteine < 11.4 umol/L
+ Triglycerides < 150 mg/dL
+ Blood Sugar and Glucose fasting levels < 99 mg/dL normal, < 100-125 mg/dL pre-diabetic, >126 mg/dL diabetic


That should give you a solid baseline for measuring your recovery progress as well as defining your current vulnerabilities.


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Inflammation Ain't:

Postby catamaran » Tue Feb 26, 2008 5:40 pm

[quote="cjbrooksjc"]Juls: Inflammation is the precipitate of arteriosclerosis, and the repair quality by the body's cholesterol to the resultant damage is the problem. The type of cholesterol you have dictates the quality of repair your body exhibits.Brooks[/quote]

Inflammation, according to some high-powered authorities, is not the cause of atherosclerosis. Inflammation is the body's response to infiltration of the intima and media of the arteries by blood factors in areas where the mechanical health of the vessel has been compromised by chronic vitamin C (ascorbate) deficiency and has broken down.

If inflammation were the cause of atherosclerosis, then the vessels would be uniformly affected; rather, the vessels are affected only in the regions of high mechanical stress such as bifurcations and sharp curves where breakdown of the mechanical integrity of the vessels occur.

Notice that coronary arteries that route within the heart muscle never sclerose since the vessel walls are supported by the surrounding muscle tissue and don't break down allowing infiltration, inflammation and cell proliferation. :!:
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Postby cjbrooksjc » Tue Feb 26, 2008 6:43 pm

Catamaran: Thanks for your counsel. From a lay perspective I consider any view plausible, and all information potentially valuable. Personally, I think it's all still a big crap shoot, but I AM taking Vit C to be on the safe side.


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See for Yourself:

Postby catamaran » Wed Feb 27, 2008 9:04 am

[quote="cjbrooksjc"]Catamaran: Thanks for your counsel. From a lay perspective I consider any view plausible, and all information potentially valuable. Personally, I think it's all still a big crap shoot, but I AM taking Vit C to be on the safe side.


G'day CJ,
Let me enthusiastically suggest you purchase a copy of Dr. Thomas Levy's book, "Stopping America's #1 Killer". It will provide you with all the information you will need to stem the progression of atherosclerosis and it's natural sequel, heart disease. :!:
BTW: I seek no remunerationin from the propagation of Dr. Levy's books. :!:
Cheers, C.
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Postby cjbrooksjc » Wed Feb 27, 2008 11:57 am

catamaran: Thanks. I'll check it out.
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