I wasn't sure where to post this, if it is the wrong spot I am sure it will be moved.
I was on Lipitor (as most of you know) for high triglycerides and a bit high cholesterol. Had the muscle damage and came off of it. Still had very high triglycerides until this past month. In August I began to heal and went on supplements from a wellness doctor. I lost 25 lbs, I eat better and I walk 5.5. miles a day.
My family doctor just called with my blood test results. He was amazed that I don’t take any prescription meds and where they were a year ago to now he said is a miracle. He said to keep eating, walking and taking whatever it is that my wellness doctor has me on because I can’t ask for anything better! Having high triglycerides is really unhealthy and mine dropped almost 300 points this past year!!!
Total cholesterol in Feb 2007 214 - today 168
HDL (good cholesterol) in 2/2007 37 - today 40
LDL (bad cholesterol) in 2/2007 I don’t recall exact # but it was the high 100's - today 98 (well within normal)
Triglycerides 2/2007 419 - today 148 (normal is under 190)