My husband was, unknown to him, verbally aggressive toward me. I could do nothing right and he didn't spend time with me. He either went to his shop or visited neighbors. He totally withdrew from me after 40 years of marriage.
I tried for months to get him to quit the Lovastatin. All I heard was that the doctor had lots of schooling and degrees. He said that he paid the doctor to look after him, not me.
He had pain in his neck and shoulder.
He has numbness in 2 toes on his right foot, this has not gone away.
He had severe pain in the end of his right index finger.
I asked him to talk to his doctor about problems that I saw in his memory. He'd do something and within 2 months told me that he had never done it. He quit his herbal arthritis medicine (Boswellia) and went back to Celebrex. When I asked him, he told me that he had never taken that herbal pill and didn't know what it was for.
The doctor poo pood his having memory problems and doubled his Lovastatin dose from 20 mg to 40 mg. I came UNGLUED! and convinced him to cut the pills in half. He promised that he would just to shut me up. He was cutting the pills in half and then thought that he would take a whole one every once in a while. That turned into him taking a whole pill all the time. I discoved this when his one month prescription was gone in 6 weeks. He told me that he forgot to cut them in half.
Coming home from work last December, he stopped at a stop sign, looked, and pulled out. A pick up took off the front of the car doing 55 MPH. He said that he never saw her. This is a man that had not had an accident in over 30 yrs. He has driven over a million miles without an accident or a ticket. Had he been one foot further out into the lane, he would have been killed. Unfortunately, we only had liability on that car. There was no salvage. Lovastatin cost us that car and almost his life! The day before he finally quit the Lovastatin, I had decided that I could take his rudness and vebal agression no more. I was going to leave him.
Lovastatin almost cost us 4 decades of, for the most part, a happy marriage.
It is now 5 weeks since my husband stopped the Lovastatin.
Three weeks after he stopped, the severe pain in his finger stopped and a giant callus of dead skin appeared on that finger. He did not injure that finger in any way. I've since read about Toxic Epidermal Necrosis . Within days his neck pain eased up. His toes are still numb. He is back to being the happy guy he was. He spends time with me again and is showing that he cares.
I wanted to post this for others to find. There was almost no reference on the net to the skin poisoning.