Statin drugs

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Statin drugs

Postby Lezah » Tue Mar 14, 2006 5:46 pm

My GP prescribed Crestor and within a week I was experiencing TGA... of course I didn't realize it, my husband did and was really concerned. He went to the doctor with me and told him his observations, the doctor put me on Lipitor, then Pravachol, finally I just quit statin useage all together, when I found that there were more and more incidences while working that I would find that I hadn't a clue what I was doing.

Physically I have deteroriated, the doctor sent me to a rheumatologist and he diagnosed fibromyalgia, now I wonder if it isn't from statin useage. Who knows.

My doctor since my ldl was high 179, suggested recently that I try red rice yeast, and well knowing it was a natural statin, I figured my reaction would be the same and did not start it.

Thanks for the info and insights they are very helpful.

I also asked him about my blood test which indicated that my C reactive protein levels were abnormal. He said that he didn't do anything in regards to that untill he had three abnormal test results.

My doctor has said he is not aware of any amnesia problems with statins. I have printed out enough documentation to take to my next visit that may be helpful to others.

Sincerely, Hazel
Posts: 2
Joined: Tue Mar 14, 2006 3:58 pm

Postby mousa » Wed Mar 15, 2006 2:20 am

Dear Lezah,

I think you must mean TIA - transient ischaemic attack. If you are talking about TIAs, please go to and search for TIA. TIAs are not to be taken lightly. If I were you I would see best cardiologist available.

I am sure other forum members can give you much more information re blood work, etc., that you should perhaps ask to have done.

Good luck and thinking of you and your good husband.
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Location: Thailand

Postby Lezah » Mon Mar 20, 2006 6:00 pm


No I meant transient global amnesia...the inability to form memories...

I would have no memory of conversations, of doing things with my husband and ask when are we going to do this, he would say we did that ... or I told you that just a few minutes ago...

It really hit me when at work I was having moments of what I call *BLACKOUTS*...

Once I stopped the statin drugs my short term memory became better. I still forget from time to time, like I made a lemon pie the other night and left out the lemons, but hey that's better than forgeting the entire pie!

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Joined: Tue Mar 14, 2006 3:58 pm

Reply for "Lezah"

Postby sos_group_owner » Mon Mar 20, 2006 8:34 pm

Re: No I meant transient global amnesia...the inability to form memories...

Hi Lezah/Hazel,

As you may have read, Dr Graveline also experienced TGA.
First time was from 10 mg of Lipitor, then later he was rechallenged
with only 5 mg of Lipitor.

The second time he reverted to childhood... had no recollection he
was a doctor, married, etc.

Please read these two articles written by Dr Graveline:

"Women and Statins"

"Statin Alternatives"

This is a quick synopsis of Dr Graveline's recommendations...
Statin alternative(s) to reduce/prevent inflammation:
(IE: anti-oxidant, reduce platelet stickiness, controls homocysteine)
1) buffered aspirin - 81 mg
2) CoQ10 - 100 to 150 mg
3) folic acid - 400-800 mcg
B6 - 80-100mg
B12 - 200-250mcg
4) Omega 3 (fish oil or cod liver oil) [ There is no upper limit.]

These four items/categories have the same anti-inflammatory affect as
20 mg's of Lipitor, without side effects.

For those suffering from TGA (transient global amnesia) and/or persistent
memory loss, you may need to take much higher doses of CoQ10 - maybe
as high as 1,200 to 1,500 mg.

So far, there are over 500 documented TGA cases caused by statins.

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Postby mousa » Mon Mar 20, 2006 10:30 pm

Dear Hazel,

Got up this morning and immediately started researching TGA and was going to suggest you read Following is from that article:
"Dr. Golomb has found that 15 percent of statin patients develop some cognitive side effects.22 The most harrowing involve global transient amnesia—complete memory loss for a brief or lengthy period—described by former astronaut Duane Graveline in his book Lipitor: Thief of Memory.23 Sufferers report baffling incidents involving complete loss of memory—arriving at a store and not remembering why they are there, unable to remember their name or the names of their loved ones, unable to find their way home in the car. These episodes occur suddenly and disappear just as suddenly. Graveline points out that we are all at risk when the general public is taking statins—do you want to be in an airplane when your pilot develops statin-induced amnesia?"

I suggest you read the whole article as well as all those by Dr. Graveline.

Good idea to print it out for your doctor - think I will do the same. I never had anything like TGA (as far as I know) and was only on 5mgs Lipitor daily from Sept 2000 to Dec 2005 when I stopped it after CT64 showed everything in good shape. Anyway I had never taken full time because I had times when my feet got so painful I could hardly walk and I would stop it until they got better. Now I have small neuro problem that has been diagnosed as CIDP variant. Maybe caused by Lipitor? But I think caused by osteoproliferation. Could that be caused by Lipitor? So much to research. Really good doctors are few and far between. I am lucky to have had some really good ones! Problem with present lot is to get them to listen!!

Good luck.

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Joined: Wed Feb 08, 2006 10:39 pm
Location: Thailand

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