by nanato3 » Sun Feb 10, 2008 6:43 pm
Sorry if this is a repeat, posted but never showed up in forum. I am 56 yrs old ,have been healthy all my life, no family history of heart disease, no high blood pressure, only meds I took , nexium. For over 2 yrs have taken statins. Stopped vytorin when my left knee started hurting and then the right knee. I could hardly get out of a chair without help. Have never had knee problems in my life. Doctor put me on Lipitor and have been on it for over a yr and half. The past 12 months , I have seen a chiropractor on a regualr basis for neck, shoulder, back and hip pain. Only last evening did I discover this site and read your stories and realized Lipitor is causing all of my ailments. I also have foggy thinking, dizziness, short term memory loss, no energy and to add more insult , have gained over 20 lbs in the last 12 months ! I am so disgusted with the drug companies who are growing richer day by day while our quality of life goes down the toilet. I have cut my Lipitor in half and am going to taper off, I am afraid to stop cold turkey. My doctor will not be happy In may when I go back for blood work, so be it. I cannot see living life in so much pain and maybe, living a little longer. I prefer quality of life over this nightmare . When is someone going to hear us? What is it going to take to get their attention? I wish you all the best and thank you for sharing your stories, had I not found this forum, I really don't know what might have happened.