Dear Uncle2blad, CatMom and all,
I guess I'm a bit more of a radical thinker. Being from the sixties era, I'm thinking protests, sit-ins, marches, taking real action, being VISIBLE! I'm probably less civilized than you all. Let me give you an example. When my kids were in grade school, we hired a companty to build our pool. I was patient, but after 13 months, it was not even half built! Excuses, he was in a meeting, etc, was all I got. I got my kids and the neighbor kids to help me make funky bright posters for signs. I packed up a potty chair for the baby, and off we went! I instructed my husband that if they tried to arrest me, to call Channel 7 News (Los Angeles) and notify them, "Orange County mother and five kids arrested for picketing pool company". We picketed during rush hour for no more than fifteen minutes! That was all it took, and Mr. Invisible Manager showed up, ranting and raving! I told him Plan B, the tv news, and he went ballistic. However, he promised to have the contractors out every day until the pool was finished. 9 days later, we were enjoying our spa!
Bill and I are ready to do at least picketing at the VA outpatient clinic, who started this mess. Then I think I'll try the shotgun approach, contact every newspaper, tv and radio station, insurance companies, why not!
We are supposed to be getting phone call tomorrow from the VA to say if they will be admitting him to the La Jolla VA Hospital. We refused to allow them to put him in Los Angeles, and the Pts Rts doctor thought San Diego was a realistic option. And guess what, I contacted Dr. Golomb to ask if she would be his doctor. She emailed me back within the hour, on a Sunday night! Good person already. She said that she doesn't do inpatient duty until June, but that she would be happy to consult with the VA doctors, to give them her number, which I plan to do.
THAT'S WHAT'S MISSING! Yes, I too contacted my congressman, who's office says that they'll run an investigation. One person at a time just won't do it! I'm saying it will take numbers, lots of us, and if people like Bill are in just too much pain to take action, then what about loved ones? Are we going to take this lying down? I'm sorry, but I'm thinking of this is a form of a holocaust! Reacting to this medical maltreatment in a civilized manner is never going to be effective!
Look at the history of social change, someone did something drastic to get public attention. Once we have the public on our side, they'll have to do some explaining.
SO, yes, look to the past to what didn't work, and not try that again. Makes sense. BUT, I challenge you to think outside the box! Look at other movements for change, what did those groups do? We do need to organize. I think it's very unrealistic to make a difference one by one. Possible, but it won't get public attention, unless it's a gigantic lawsuit, not bloody likely!
I say let's take advantage of this election year. Hillary and Barack are both spouting that they will clean up healthcare, right? Well my friends, this sure needs some cleaning up! Anyone near a location where they will be speaking? I need some brainstorning here. Because I'm telling you, when I'm mad, I'm not going anywhere until I get satisfaction.
I'm on a roll today. I've been working on an injustice at work, and today I got satisfaction! At least a start on it, and it feels good.
All we have to do is make up our minds that we won't stop until we figure this out, and we won't take no for an answer. I offer you my tenacity, and I know I've got plenty. I need your support, your ideas, your gutts! Who else is going to take this challenge? It's got to be US! I see where a lot of people have viewed this thread. I want to hear from everyone who has been mad enough to read this!!!