Documentation of statin use

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Documentation of statin use

Postby valgators » Tue Mar 11, 2008 10:28 pm

I have been thinking about the problems inherent in tackling this statin monster.

As a first step, I think each time we see a doctor for the first time, we should insist our medical record state something like "patient believes problems A,B,C are related to statin drug use". It has got to be documented over and over. It has to be in writing for it to have merit. We would not be asking the doctor to agree, necessarily, but it needs to become a historical part of our medical records. It needs to be in writing with every PCP, neurologist, internist, etc. that we see. And if new symptoms develop, then it needs to be updated and re-stated as above.

Also, I think it might open the eyes of doctors to hear their patients speaking up with such strong convictions. It could possibly plant seeds of doubt about the widespread and freely written prescriptions for statins.

What do you think?

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Postby Dee » Wed Mar 12, 2008 12:07 am

That is exactly what is in my records as documented by a neurologist back in July of 2004.
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Postby Allen1 » Wed Mar 12, 2008 4:06 am

Hi there valgators,

that sounds like a great idea and would be very practical especially when the truth about Statins or whichever drug at the time is causing problems.

I only have one problem with it and that would be when you are recovering from a serious condition or operation or are awaiting an operation etc and you get put on Statins or whatever at the time, you are really in a poor way and you do not know any different and accept the symptoms as part of the health problem.

In my case it was a heart attack and many years later a triple bypass, not a lot of information was really available and if it was, I for one did not have the brain power or stamina to look for it. I only found out when I was taken off Statins for a couple of months and was able to think a bit clearer, and did a search for reasons for my exhaustion and inability to think and recall names and much more. What a shock it was when my little Zocor tablet turned out to be such a horrendous monster and was capable of doing all this damage!

I have only been aware of the Statin connection for 11 months now, I had my MI 13 years ago and Statins started some time after that, the problems I have had in all that time that never seemed to have a connection till 11 months ago, and they are mainly the same problems as so many others on this site and others, who have taken this poison .

The idea you have, could make doctors realise that the next person who mentions some of the same symptoms may also be reacting to the very same medication that a previous patient had insisted was causing them problems. As long as you don't alienate your Doctor/s it really should be a big move in the right direction, I just wish I knew about Statins when I went to a neurologist etc a couple of years ago as it probably would have made a great difference.

Great Idea :)
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Postby valgators » Wed Mar 12, 2008 8:02 am

Thanks for the feedback Allen1,

Of course, if you are not able to function as in following surgery, it wouldn't be possible to do so. My thought was to talk to every doctor we see from this point forward and spread the word.

Thanks again.
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Postby uncle2blade » Wed Mar 12, 2008 1:46 pm

When I had my surgery in Jan. I put statins down as one of the drugs I was allergic to. Every time someone would look at my chart, they would ask about it. It gave me a great oprotunity to let everybody know what statins had done to me. You would be amazed how many helth professionals know about the side effects.

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statin drugs

Postby gotts1936 » Wed Mar 12, 2008 2:20 pm

Is it possible that statin drugs can impact any type of surgery? I was in great shape until I had surgery while on a statin drug. Three weeks after being on lovastatin I had knee surgery on my left leg. Five weeks later. both of my legs were hurting 24/7 and two years later they still hurt. Any ideas?
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Postby Ray Holder » Wed Mar 12, 2008 4:13 pm

Fernando Scaglia, Carnitine Deficiency author, states that surgery and anaesthetics can lead to secondary carnitine deficiency, a leading cause of muscle weakness and pain.

Statins, either directly, or through reducing Q10 supplies, also reduce carnitine, so the two effects must make muscle problems worse.

Once more, facts little known by medicine in general, presumably because non patentable materials are needed to overcome them.

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Postby Cat Mom2 » Wed Mar 12, 2008 4:43 pm

GOOD idea! I told the doctor that I went to for my shoulder that it was statin induced as I had done nothing to injure it, I told him that on my first visit but he did not write it down. Next time (if there is a next time) I see him I will tell him I want him to put tjat in my chart! Will also tell the OB/Gyn!
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