A forum to discuss personal experiences and share information on statins and other cholesterol lowering drugs.

Your estimated percentage of recovery after off statin drug for at least six months:

Total votes : 17


Postby pgrimm » Sun Mar 16, 2008 1:23 pm

Many have posted on this forum varying amounts of time for their recovery for muscle pain/weakness. If you have been off statin drugs for at least six months, what is your estimated amount of recovery for this particular symptom? Choose % closest to your estimate.

Please also post more information if you have been off statins for a greater amount of time, one year, etc. Trying to get a feel for what to expect for someone who has just quit the drug. Also provide information in posts as to how long you took the drug, to let us see if there is a definite correlation, ie: one month vs six years.
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Postby Darrell » Sun Mar 16, 2008 2:26 pm

I stopped my statin a little over three years ago. I would guess that my partly-affected left leg fully recovered within the first year to year-and-a-half. I voted 25% because my partly-affected left leg recovered but my fully-affected right leg did not. Although my right leg has not recovered, the symptoms are alleviated at least 90% of the time by my regular consumption of carnitine and Q10. I can lead a fairly normal life most of the time while taking those two supplements.
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Postby uncle2blade » Sun Mar 16, 2008 3:28 pm


My last dose of a statin was Feb. 12 2007. I didn't start taking supplements untill the first of March 2007. My whole lower body was effected. I did got some immediate relief from the Q10 and L carnitine. I had extreme fatigue throughout my whole body. I could not work or even leave the house for three months. Things started to improve at about that time. Slowly I got stronger, and at six months I was working three days a week about five hours a day. In December, I was back to three full days of work. I woud say in Dec. I was probly about 80%. If it hadn't been for my mitral valve surgery I might even be further along in my recovery. The surgery has set me back a bit.

PS. I voted 50%
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Postby cjbrooksjc » Sun Mar 16, 2008 4:06 pm


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Postby Brian C. » Mon Mar 17, 2008 2:31 am

I have been off statins for very nearly 1 year now after 17 years of statinization. Myalgic pain in my upper right arm returns if I drop my CoQ10 intake from 900mg to 600g. I still get "wooden legs" and my stamina is still poor. If I exert myself, even briefly, I feel weak for the rest of the day.
I feel better overall but only rate my physical recovery at 25% so far.

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Postby Ray Holder » Mon Mar 17, 2008 5:35 am

I took Simvastatin for 4 years, and continued to get worse over the next 14 months after I had ceased taking it, until I found Q10 and carnitine.

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CRESTOR:suffering still

Postby rudy » Fri May 16, 2008 5:25 pm

0%- 2 1/2 yrs off crestor that i only took for 3 wks 10mgs. muscle pain all over,can not work, hard time sleeping, much more :( :(
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Postby cjbrooksjc » Sat May 17, 2008 12:56 pm

Two years in and I am about 60% recovered from most of the symptoms EXCEPT the muscular atrophy. My forearms still look like long wrists and my legs are still weak and painful on occasion. I would put that part of my recovery at the 20-30% mark. I could NOT FIND A WAY TO ADD MY VOICE TO THE POLL - THE OPTION WAS NOT AVAILABLE TO ME.
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Postby SusieO » Sat May 17, 2008 2:00 pm

I voted 75% recovered, but it was not until this past year that I got any better and that is due to finding a Wellness doctor as well as the person who does Quantum Touch healing on me.

As soon as I forget my supplements or if my doc decides I need to change something that throws me back to just about square one and I have to stop and wait for things to settle down and return to "normal".

I really feel like the supplements have helped a great deal as well as the Quantum Touch, but my problems are still there and will never totally go away or heal.
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Postby harley2ride » Wed May 28, 2008 4:28 pm

All of a sudden lately, I'm starting to relate to Dr. Graveline.. I had been doing very well for about a year (after being put on Lyrica), but now I fading fast again.. I'm having a lot of difficulty walking, constant pain, lots of muscle spasms.. Very frustrating... I've upped my coq10, upped my l-carnatine, and still no change.. It's like this stuff has a mind of it's own... Now I get to experiment again and try to find the current sweet spot, and hope it lasts awhile, if at all....
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Postby cjbrooksjc » Wed May 28, 2008 5:23 pm

Harley: Unhappily, I am having the same experience. Felt better for about a year, but now I have a lot of small spasms in my legs, muscle tenderness in my hamstrings and achilles, and cramping in my back and ribcage. My BP has started to climb also. I'm not taking Lyrica but still on the supplements and hope this will resolve in time. I find that a simple antihistamine eases the symptoms somewhat.


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Postby valgators » Wed May 28, 2008 8:12 pm

Hi All:

I would really encourage everyone who has not had their Vitamin D levels checked, to please do so. If you are deficient, it will add to the muscle soreness and overall achiness. Replenishing deficient vitamin D levels won't cure statin damage but it will improve how you feel when adequate levels are restored. This is especially true for all of you living in the north where you may not get year-round doses of sunshine. It's a simple blood test. If you are low, then prescription vitamin D is available. Ask your doctor for the blood will take a few months of therapeutic dosing if you are low, but hey, every little thing that helps is welcome in my book.

My personal experience is that it has helped me tremendously.
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statin drugs

Postby gotts1936 » Thu May 29, 2008 10:47 am

I was on Lovastatin for 13 months. I have been off of Lovastatin for 14 months. My leg muscle pain and weakness improved about 60% during the first eight months, but leveled off and there has not been any improvement during the last 6 months. so, my mobility is still adversely effected quite a lot.

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Postby harley2ride » Mon Jun 02, 2008 10:26 am

A few weeks ago, when my muscles were really bad (to the point of having difficulty walking), I had stopped taking a very small pill (NADH), which was just a 5mg dosage suppliment. Being the curious sort I am, after a week of having extreme muscle difficulties, I picked up some more NADH and started taking it. Within 2 days, I improved, and have been better now for over 1 week.

This NADH is one of the things that my MDA doc had me start on, back when I was first diagnosed. Hopefully some of you others out there may try this NADH, and report back whether you notice any difference or not..

With these conditions, weather changes, etc.., it makes it very hard to tell if something is actually helping, or if it is just a fluke..
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