by pgrimm » Mon Mar 17, 2008 11:35 pm
Bill's side effects started with pain in his neck then soon after a constant severe headache. He has continued to have both for almost three months. He says he has not had a moment without the pain, sleeping no more than two hours, using one of these memory foam (horseshoe shaped) pillows to support his head off the pillow. At first they only looked for something in his head, like a tumor, or arthritis in his neck, but there has been nothing positive to support that, so they just scratch their heads and prescribed more pain medications. Thus the interaction that amped the side effects up big time, overnight! He says his headaches continue to be the worst of it, although his body caught up within weeks, the muscle pains moving from arms to legs, to shoulders. I don't see too many others with the headaches, just wondering. By the way, he never suffered from headaches before in his life.